Cover, showing several items in item frames and the 4 barbarian armor sets
Welcome to Forger's Dream! This mod aims to rework how you obtain several items in the game as well as adding 6 new weapon types for the Iron, Gold, Diamond, and Netherite Tiers. The mod also aims to improve upon vanilla Minecraft's combat system in a Vanilla+ type way.
NOTICE: This mod's contents are being ported to a new mod, Alchemy and Armory. This mod is currently unreleased and in development, and will be adding more than just the new weapons and whatnot. Hope is to release it somewhat soon and a link to the page will be added when the mod is released.
The Deepslate Forge:
This crafting station will become your new best friend in this mod. To craft it you'll need 5 Deepslate of any kind and 3 Iron Ingots. To craft items in the Deepslate forge you'll need a Blueprint (put into the BP slot), Coal (Put into the F slot), and the Material of the item you're trying to craft (put into the M slot). Once you have all of that put in, the result of your materials will appear in the R slot. Once the item that you're trying to craft is there, press the Craft button at the bottom right of the GUI. Too much to remember? Just use the in game guide found in the top right of the GUI.
Blueprints and changed recipes:
Upon loading up the mod and taking a look at either the recipe browser or JEI, you may notice that something is off about some vanilla recipes... That's right, vanilla recipes for Swords and Axes are removed! At least, when you get to the Iron tier and above. Once you get to the Iron tier all future Swords and Axes* will require that you use the Deepslate Forge to craft them. To do that, you will need blueprints! Blueprints can be crafted using paper, dye, and certain items relating to the blueprint you are trying to craft. These can then be used in the Deepslate Forge to craft the various items of this mod.
This mod also adds some additions unrelated to the rest of the items, such as the Blood Fruit! These can be found in jungles and can be eaten as a reliable food source that also grants temporary regeneration, or they can be used as a way of making a strength potion.
- Initial Release
Mod contents moved to Alchemy and Armory