The Wonderful Wat Mod (Fabric) New Fix!!

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Academic Free License v3.0
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     This will go over some things i have in the mod. Stormy is a nice cat but when attacked you might want to run and will drop raw salmon. Luna attacks stormy and when attacked you might also want to run luna also drops a Sir Kitty Spawner. A Sir Kitty Spawner spawns a sir kitty and also is dropped by literally everything. Sir Kitty is like white kitty and sir meows mixed together. White Kitty is really slow and i mean real SLLLLOOOOOOOWWWWWW and drops a Sir Kitty Spawner and attacks sir meows white kitty also does 4 HP of damage. Sir Meows is a cat that drops a Sir Kitty Spawner and also is attacked by Wuneya Meows. Wuneya Meows attacks Sir Meows, Luna, White Kitty, Stormy and drops a a Sir Kitty Spawner. The Cat God is the god of all cats and shoots projectiles when attacked it will also attack a cat called "Red". Red The Cat Attacks The Cat God and does nothing else. White is a cat like red but white and will attack/one shot white kitty and when attacked will one shot you. Luna? is my minecraft skin and has a catsword and drops a Sir kitty Spawner. Fire Sir Meows just has more health and does more damage. Pixel Luna 3D Has 10 HP And Might be the cutest thing in the mod. The Maine-Coon is just an ocelot with a custom model. Dabloon cat kills EVERYTHING. Almost Everything also has a corrupted type also. I used images from a unreleased version for 1.18.2 its file size is too big so some items and other things are not in the mod. This is the the link to another mod a made The Random Mod

the entity animations are also gone because the mcreator built-in models are for some reason all biped models so i made a custom model for all the entities.

Modification files
WatModReck(Fabric).jar - The Wonderful Wat Mod (Fabric) Uploaded on: 01/22/2023 - 17:08   File size: 4.16 MB
watmodfabricfix.jar - Newest Version Uploaded on: 02/06/2023 - 17:43   File size: 4.16 MB

Added Fabric Version