Material Craft (Update 1)

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In development
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Ever wanted to have more realist materials in Minecraft. Well then, this mod is just for you. This mod adds in a bunch of new blocks and items that come from the real world. Craft Machines to craft new exciting things as well as explore the world and find new POI's.


At the moment there are (List will be updated every update):

56 New Items

18 New Blocks

3 New Plants

11 Machines

1 New Mob

7 New Tools

3 New Structures

1 New Tree

2 New Paintings

Minecraft mod files
material_craft0.1.1.jar - Material Craft 0.1.1 Uploaded on: 05/02/2023 - 07:58   File size: 979.4 KB
material_craft0.1.0.jar - Material Craft 0.1.0 Uploaded on: 04/18/2023 - 12:10   File size: 909.3 KB

Update 0.1.1 Change Log-


-Added E = Mc2 Painting

-Added Periodic Table Painting

-Added Science Shack Structure



-Rubber Wood Set and Log are now Flammable

-Changed Auto Gold Pan UI

-Changed Bessemer Converter UI

-Changed Drill UI

-Changed Ice Machine UI

-Changed Separator UI

-Changed Small Greenhouse UI

-Changed Spinning Wheel UI

-Changed Steel Press UI

-Changed 3D Printer UI

-Changed Order of Items in Creative Tabs



-Fix Collision On Tapping Bucket

-Fix Collision On Spinning Wheel

-Fix Collision On Small Greenhouse

-Fix Collision On Ice Machine

-Fix Collision On Bessemer Converter

-Fix Hardness For Tin Ore

-Fix Hardness For Zinc Ore

-Fix Hardness For Magnesium Ore

-Fix Hardness For Lead Ore

-Fix Hardness For Tungsten Ore

-Fix Hardness For Silicone Ore

-Fix Hardness For Rubber Wood Set and Log