Legacy Impossiblecore

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Impossiblecore Legacy is a discontinued Forge 1.20.1 mod. It adds new content to improve hardcore survival, making it easier and harder.

Impossiblecore Legacy Release 3.0 (Survive and Specialize) Features

Impossiblecore Legacy is no longer supported. The workspace was deleted, unfortunately. 
The new version is only available on Modrinth.

  • Potion Mixins
  • Scope Rocket
  • Pillager Scout
  • Nexus Fragments and Equipment!
  • Caves of Impossibility!
  • Bool and Stabilized Bool 
  • Eternity Bricks and Pillar
  • Hardcore Trinkets!
  • Chambers of Chaos, Chambers of Querrying and Chambers of the Abyss! 
  • Speciality Tools! 
  • Recurring Blocks 
  • Jasper Crystals and Jasper Crystal Blocks! 
  • Skull Mongler! 
  • Recurring Food
  • Dark GUIs
  • Inferno Chili
  • Core Challenges! 
  • Life Threatening and Endangering Biomes 
  • Hardcore Trader villager profession 
  • Many New Advancements!

Potion Mixins

Potion Mixins can be obtained via structure loot, or killing witches or other entities. There are currently 11 types.

  • Spider Venom (Rare drop from Cave Spiders and Spiders and can spawn rarely in dunegon chests)
  • Magma (Rare Piglin Barter Trade and can spawn rarely in nether fortress chests) 
  • Chorus Juice (Found rarely in End Cities)
  • Warden Blood (Rare Drop from the Warden)
  • Crystal Clear Water (Found rarely in Buried Treasure)
  • Enriched Aquifer Water (Found rarely in Mineshafts)
  • Essential Oil (Found rarely in Jungle Pyramids)
  • Ectoplasm (Rare drop from Vexes)
  • Wither Acid (Rare drop from the Wither)
  • World Explorer Potion Mixin (Spawns rarely in the Chambers of Chaos and dungeons)
  • Voltile Potion Mixin (Spawns rarely in the Chambers of Chaos) 

These can be brewed with potions to obtain "super potions" that are designed to work very well in one area of Minecraft

Venomous Touch (Spider Venom + Poison) 

Healing Aura (Essential Oil + Regen) 

Infernolord (Magma + Fire Res) 

Interstellar Traveler (Chorus Juice + Slow Falling) 

Poseidon's Grace (Crystal Clear + Water Breathing) 

Empowered (Wardens Blood + Strength) 

Miners Delight (Enriched Water + Night Vision)

Stealth (Ectoplasm + Invisibility 

Crippling (Wither Acid + Poison)

Adventurious (World Explorer + Healing) 

Unknown Effect (Voltile + Harming II) (this can not be good!) 

Strobe Rocket Types 

The Strobe Rocket is an egg like projectile that must be lit by right clicking on gravel and suspicious gravel, magma blocks, campfires and soul campfires and fire and soul fire. This will give you an Lit Strobe Rocket which is an egg like projectile that explodes on impact with an entity + damages it (10 HP)

The Super Sonic Strobe Rocket is an upgraded version of the strobe rocket that travels twice as fast as the normal strobe rocket. It is crafted with echo shards and a scope rocket. 

The Supernova Strobe Rocket is an upgraded version of the strobe rocket that creates an explosion twice as powerful as an normal strobe rocket. It is crafted with a nexus shard and a scope rocket. Must be desperate to use this item. 

Jasper Crystals 

Jasper Crystals are found rarely in the loot table of the Chambers of Chaos and Querrying. It can be crafted into an Jasper Crystal Block which can power an beacon and be used as an bookshelf substitute in enchantment setups. The block is used to duplicate the Nexus Upgrade Template. 

Pillager Scout 

The Pillager Scout is an n entity that spawns rarely in Plains, Desert, Grove, Dark Forest, Dark Forest Hills and the naturally generating Pillager Tent Structure. 

 It can drop...

  • Emeralds, maps, paper 

The pillager scout grants the bad omen effect rarely upon killing it.


Nexus is an material stronger than netherite found in the End by killing mobs. (1% chance of happening, shoots off particles and plays minecraft.bell.resonate when triggered). Also found rarely in End Cities (1.0 only). You can make tools and armor that is slightly stronger than Netherite. The recipe to make Nexus Gear is the same as upgrading diamond to Netherite. You need an Nexus Upgrade template found in end cities to upgrade. The template can be copied with an Jasper Crystal Block. 

Speciality Tools

Speciality Tools are tools slightly stronger then nexus tools found in the very rarely Chambers of Chaos, Chambers of Querrying and Chambers of the Abyss. There are currently 5 types.

Sword of Combat Speciality

Ranged Speciality Bow

Mining Speciality Pickaxe 

Mastery Fishing Rod

Multispecialty Axe 


Each have their own special abilities that can trigger occasionally.  

The Sword of Combat Speciality can do an enhanced version of an critical hit, where an small explosion is generated followed by lightning. The attacker gains Darkness for 3 seconds. 

The Ranged Speciality Bow can shoot explosive arrows. This attack is called an direct hit.

The Mining Speciality Pickaxe can discover ores hidden in certain blocks like deepslate. 

The Mastery Fishing Rod can pull out sea creatures from the water as well as rare items from the abyss. 

The Mutispeciality Axe can discover hidden items in wood and also is able to do the same enhanced critical attack as the sword. 

Caves of Impossibility 

The Caves of Impossibility is an rare cave biome. It is the corrupted version of the Deep Dark. 

Inside this biome, one can find Bool, an dangerous cousin of Sculk. Upon breaking and stepping on Bool, one can get the Despration Effect and Wither I for about 3-5 seconds. Bool can be stabilized in a blast furnance into Stablized Bool. This can further be blasted into Sculk. Using an stone cutter, you can turn Stablized Bool into Enternity Bricks and Enternity Pillars. 

Inside of this biome, you can find the Chambers of Chaos, Chambers of Querrying and Chambers of the Abyss rarely. These structures hold the Speciality Tools. Inside of all these structures, you will find an Skull Mongler mob. It shoots arrows at you, and drops bones upon death. 

WARNING: This is an end game area. Enter at your own risk. This biome is the only Life Endangering Biome. 

New Advancements

  • Officially Overpowered: Obtain 64 enchanted golden apples
  • Cover Me In Fragments: Obtain full nexus armor
  • Hold Up: Mine a spawner with Spawner Silk 
  • Destabilized: Obtain a Nexus Fragment 
  • Behold My Power: Obtain an Combat Speciality Sword
  • Pew Pew: Obtain an Ranged Speciality Bow
  • Caves 201: Obtain an Mining Speciality Pickaxe 
  • Just Keep Fishing: Obtain an Mastery Fishing Rod 
  • Its Hammertime: Obtain an Multispecialty Axe
  • Boolean: Stabilize an piece of bool.
  • The Impossible Challenge: Enter the Caves of Impossibility
  • Is This Dangerous: Light an Supernova Strobe Rocket
  • Stand Back: Light an Strobe Rocket 

    Core Challenges

  • Biosphere: Obtain a block from all major types of biomes. 
  • The Sword Of Greatness: Obtain a perfect Combat Speciality sword. 
  • Mixin Master: Obtain all 9 potion mixins. 
  • Daredevil: Kill a warden in the Caves of Impossibility whilst desperate.
  • The Last Straw: Eat an Recurring Enchanted Golden Apple whilst Desperate.
  • Lucky Chances: Obtain an rare drop from one of the Speciality Tools. 
  • Eat Your Veggies: Obtain one of every recurring vegetable, 
  • Back to our Roots: Obtain the first item added in Impossiblecore (we are not telling you what it is, thats too easy!).

    Core Challenges are challanges granting 300 XP points and an item from a loot table upon completing them. 

New Effects

  • Diffusion: Prevents negative effects (wither, poison, nausea, hunger) Will not prevent slowness/weakness. This is an intentional feature
  • Targeted: A really bad omen. Summons Conquests upon waking up (deadlier raids)
  • Grounded: Prevents the levitation effect
  • Despration: An effect that causes you to become parnoid. You can use special items like the Recurring Enchanted Golden Apple, the Execution Enchantment and Supernova Strobe Rocket. 

New Enchantments

  • Sphyon: Uncommon sword enchantment that gives HP back per kill 

    Formula: Current health + Level + 2

  • Spawner Slik: Very Rare pickaxe enchantment only found in loot tables that allows you to mine spawners. Only works on diamond tools and above.

    > You can obtain spawn eggs via Evokers or loot chests. 

  • Execution: Rare weapon enchantment that has a small chance to instantly kill the entity you are fighting. Does not work on undead mobs. 
  • Curse Of Comeback: Rare weapon curse that has a small chance to summon a zombie, skeleton or vex upon killing a mob. Obtained rarely by killing a mob. 

    > Can be removed by killing an allay. 

Recurring Blocks + Food

Recurring blocks are blocks that can be used infinitely. Most are found rarely in loot chests, but some are villager trades. These are...

  • Recurring Dirt and Moss
  • Recurring Wool, Wooden Planks and Glass (all types)
  • Recurring Cobblestone, Cobbled Deepslate and Mossy Cobblestone 
  • Recurring Endstone 
  • Recurring Obsidian

* The Recurring wool types are a trade from the Sheppard Villager 

* The Recurring Glass types are a wondering trader trade. 


There also exists recurring food. These function the same as the recurring blocks. These are...

  • Recurring Steak and Porkchop
  • Recurring Bread
  • Recurring Golden Apple and Enchanted Golden Apple
  • Recurring Golden Carrot
  • Recurring Inferno Chili 
  • Recurring Potato, Carrot, Beetroot, Apple
  • Recurring Baked Potato 
  • Recurring Mushroom Soup

Almost every recurring food are found in loot chests 

* The Recurring Steak and Porkchops are a trade from the Butcher Villager 
* The Recurring Potato, Carrot, Beetroot, Apple are a trade from the Farmer Villager

Hardcore Trinkets

Hardcore Trinkets are special totem-like items that grant special abilities when held in the off hand. 

Legacy Emerald: Rare chance to drop emeralds upon killing an entity.
Memory Flower: Prevents desperation and the nasty effects of Bool. 
Soild Gold Dagger: Gain extra drops from certain entites like skulls from skeletons and TNT from creepers!

Villager Professions 

Hardcore Trader: Trades basic resources for essential resources like food, strobe rockets and blocks. 
More professions are planned for the future. 

Inferno Chili 

The Inferno Chili is a rare piglin barter that grants strength and speed upon eating. Be careful, as it can set you on fire! 

A recurring version of this food does exist. 

Important: Do not download Impossiblecore on any other sites besides MCreator and Modrinith 

Report bugs here


Title Credits (2.0 and below) 



Minecraft mod files
Impossiblecore Version 1.0_0.jar - Version 1.0 (The Impossible Update) Uploaded on: 06/08/2023 - 17:18   File size: 574.31 KB
Impossiblecore Version 2.0_0.jar - Version 2.0 (The Recurring Update) Uploaded on: 06/08/2023 - 17:18   File size: 590.03 KB
Impossiblecore Release 3.0.1.jar - Version 3.0 (Survive and Specialize) Uploaded on: 12/31/2023 - 07:30   File size: 1.07 MB

Impossiblecore 3.0.1 Changelog

This is an hotfix update that fixes an critical issue regarding Strobe Rockets. 

Bug Fixes 
[IC-6]- Strobe Rockets, Super Sonic Strobe Rockets and Supernova Strobe Rockets required an Arrow to be shot. 
[IC-7] Pillager Tents were too common 

Witches no longer drop Potion Mixins.