The Random Additions Mod

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The Random Additions Mod adds in random things to your Minecraft world.  From new tools and weapons, to new food items, mobs, and even some crafting recipes for vanilla items that aren't craft-able.  Some additions are very useful, some are more fun to mess around with, some are just for decoration, and some are just plain, well, random.  

Mod is a Work In Progress and has many additions planned for the game to enhance the game experience.  

Community recommendations and ideas are always welcome and appreciated.  The mod is very young, and has a lot of potential.

Refer to Changelog for current mod version and features 

Minecraft mod files
Random Mod V1.4.jar Uploaded on: 07/11/2023 - 00:19   File size: 126.39 KB

Current Version:  1.4



1.4 (Crop Bundles 1.0)


New Blocks:

Apple Bundle:  Storage block for apples.  Crafted with 9 apples in a crafting table.  Can be uncrafted into 9 apples

Golden Apple Bundle:  Storage block for golden apples.  Crafted with 9 golden apples in a crafting table.  Can be uncrafted into 9 golden apples

Carrot Bundle:  Storage block for carrots.  Crafted with 9 carrots in a crafting table.  Can be uncrafted into 9 carrots

Potato Bundle:  Storage block for potatoes.  Crafted with 9 potatoes in a crafting table.  Can be uncrafted into 9 potatoes


Mod now has new advancements for the game!

Adventure Awaits:  Eat some toast

Farmhand:  Place an Apple Bundle

A Warrior is Born:  Craft a Wooden Pike

True Warrior:  Craft a Netherite Pike



1.3 (Pikes Update)


Tools/Weapons:  Pikes: Pikes can now be crafted from all the base material options in the base game (Wood, Stone, Iron, Gold, Diamond, Netherite).  Wood through Diamond pikes are crafted as shown above, and Netherite are crafted in a smithing table with a netherite ingot and a diamond pike (same as vanilla netherite crafting)

Updates and Fixes:

Villager:  Villagers of Weaponsmith profession can now trade 1 emerald for an Iron or Diamond Pike at various experience levels (Iron at Apprentice level and Diamond at Journeyman Level)

Wandering Trader:  Wandering Traders now have a chance to trade an emerald for a Jungle Blossom

Raw/Cooked Eel:  Eel food source can now be cooked by means of Smokers and Campfires in addition to the standard Furnace



1.2 (Flowers and Fixes)


New Plants:  Blue/Purple Tulips:  More variety in tulip colors.  Spawns where vanilla tulip flowers spawn.  Can be crafted into blue and purple dye, respectively

New Plant:  Jungle Blossom:  A vibrant flower that spawns in the jungle and bamboo jungle biomes.  

New Plant:  Barrel Cactus:  A small, dome-shaped cactus plant that spawns in deserts and mesa/badlands.  Deals small damage on contact, similar to a standard cactus


Eel:  Eel mob texture has been fixed!  White background spots no longer appear

Raw/Cooked Eel:  Taking out raw and cooked eel no longer acts as though one is taking out a sword

Iron Balls:  Iron balls recipe changed (see above photos) (yields 4 balls)


1.1 (Flintlock Update)


New Tool/Weapon:  Flintlock:  Old-age pistol that packs a decent punch and has decent knockback.  Recipe shown above.  Ammunition:  Iron Balls

New Item:  Iron Balls:  Ammunition for Flintlock.  Stackable up to 64.  Recipe shown above


Trident:  Vanilla trident tool/weapon now has a crafting recipe.  Recipe shown above

Updates and Fixes

Eel:  Eel now behaves like a fish/water creature.  Ex:  swims and spawns in the water


1.0 (Launch Update)


New Mob:

 Eel:  Aquatic mob, similar to a fish.  Passive.  Spawns:  Swamps, Mangrove Swamps, Rivers.  

New Food Items:

Raw/Cooked Eel:  Raw variant drops when new Eel mob is defeated.  Can be cooked in a furnace to acquire the cooked variant.

Toast:  Cook bread in a Furnace to get some toast!   Good source of food.

Cheese:  Placing a bucket of milk in a crafting grid to get your hands on some cheese!  Good source of food

Cheese Soup:  Placing a bowl with cheese in a  crafting grid will get you the new soup, Cheese Soup!  Excellent food source.  Recipe seen above.

New Tools/Weapons:

Pike:  Spear-like weapon with good damage.  Recipe shown above.  Enchantable

Compound Bow:  God-tier bow weapon, with SERIOUS punch and damage.  Recipe shown above.  Enchantable