Treasure Music Discs

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Treasure music discs is a mod that currently adds nine music discs that can be obtained from defeating bosses or tough enemies. This is aiming to give you an extra reward for doing challenges that you most likely already take on rather than doing trivial tasks just for a music disc.


Soulless - Rare drop chance from skeletons found in soul sand valleys

Overseer - 50% drop chance from the Warden (If this drops, Annihilator will not)

Annihilator - 50% drop chance from the Warden (If this drops, Overseer will not)

Dragon - Drops from the Ender Dragon

Decay - Drops from the Wither

Lightning -  Very rare drop from creepers

Endless - Rare drop from Shulkers

Treasure - Drops from Elder Guardians

Expedition - Is crafted from a combination of Overseer, Annihilator, Dragon, Decay, and Treasure




All textures and programming done by me. Thank you T_en_M ( for allowing me to use your music.

Minecraft mod files
treasure_music_discs-1.0-1.19.2.jar - For Minecraft version 1.19-1.19.2 Uploaded on: 05/14/2023 - 02:38   File size: 15.33 MB