Obsidian items Mod

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In development
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this mode adds new features to your game. new obsidian items: obsidian picaxe,obsidian sword,obsidian shovel,obsidian axe,obsidian helmet,obsidian chestplate, obsidian throusers and boots. but also this mod, adds a new dimension. this dimension is filled with a obsidian blocks.(including crying obsidian) obsidian sword: 14,5 damage, 2 attack speed. obsidian axe: very efficient, 18 damage, 0,5 attack speed. obsidian shovel: 4 damage, 1 attack speed, Very efficient. obsidian picaxe: Very efficient , 4 damage, 1 attack speed.

Modification files
obsidian_items-1.0.1.jar Uploaded on: 02/03/2024 - 17:04   File size: 81.67 KB

v1.0.1 changelog:

-shovel crafting recipe fixed.