Art Of Energy : Re-Energized

Published by MrBOBERTAK on
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I lost the original project : Art of energy, so why not make a REMAKE !


discover all the new blocks and items and the old ones too !

featuring new textures AND new color palette !


For those who don't know the V1, this mod add a new ore called energen, that makes life easier, and harder cuz it deals damage ! muehehehehehe, this is a preview, ima add more stuff when i have more time, hop u like it !


Download Geckolib Here -> NeoForge 1.20.4 - Geckolib (

Crafts and items :


charging Station : (very useful to play this mod)












Decompiler : (removes energen from Energetic Storage)












Energetic Storage : (stores energen in a safe way)












Filled Energetic Storage : (this GUI is the Charging Station)















Energetic Sword and Pickaxe : 




























Activated Energetic Sword and Pickaxe :





























Energetic Hammer : (can mine 3x3)












Activated Energetic Hammer : (mines 3x3)















Energetic Bomb Ball : (can explode when thrown, and can be a type of munition for the Energetic Luncher)












Activated Energetic Bomb Ball : (explodes when thrown, and is a type of munition for the Energetic Luncher)















Amplification crystal : (makes bombs go even more boom boom)











Amplified Energetic Bomb Ball : (Just a better bomb and munition) [SHAPELESS CRAFTING]












Energetic Luncher : (throws bombs very very far, and does cool sound)












How to extract Energen : (this GUI is the Decompiler GUI)










Modification files
AOE Re-Energized 1.0.0.jar - V1.0.0 Uploaded on: 06/10/2024 - 21:11   File size: 266.83 KB


added all default items

(i won't list them cuz lazy lol)