Futuristic Robots

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Futuristic Robots gives a futuristic twist to your Minecraft World. There are new blocks, items, mobs, advancements and structures to explore that will expand your horizons. The mod is not the biggest, but i'm sure you'll like it!



  • Droids (Small, but dangerous robots that will hurt you by jumping on top of you. Drops techno shards and nails. Techno shards are 100% chance. Nails are 50% chance.)
  • Helidroids (Flying helicopter robots. Shoots you with sharp techno shards. When destroyed it leaves a small explosion and a droid that controlled the helidroid. Drops nails and rotors. Nails are 50% chance and rotors are 25% chance.)
  • Mech (The boss of redstone. Shoots you with Techno Balls. When damaged, there is 10% chance that he will summon a helidroid to help him out. When destroyed, it leaves a big explosion so a ranged weapon is recommended. Drops electronic heart.)



  • Techno Shard (A shard of futuristic technology.)
  • Nail (Used to connect two pieces with eachother.)
  • Droid Capsule (Throw it and a droid will pop out.)
  • Helimagnet (Mysteriously connects with helidroids.)
  • Rotor (Rotor of futuristic technology.)
  • Mechanic Brain (Brain of advanced futuristic technology. Used to summon the boss of redstone.)
  • Electronic Heart (Heart of advanced robotic technology.)
  • Techno Sword (Combine your diamond sword with an electronic heart and a techno shard to craft a techno sword!)

(Recipes are in the pictures.)



  • Techno Block (A block of futuristic technology. Because i forget to add the recipe, it's 1 techno shard in every slot of your crafting table)
  • Robotic Core (Core of advanced robotic technology. Is used to awaken the boss of redstone. Find it in a Darklabs building.)



  • The Shard Where It Begins (Craft a techno shard.)
  • Droidball, Go! (Throw a droid capsule.)
  • Is It A Bird? Is It A Plane? (Attract a helidroid to a helimagnet.)
  • The Brain Behind Everything (Craft a mechanic brain.)
  • Heart Of Steel (Obtain a electronic heart by defeating the boss of redstone, Mech. Then craft a techno sword.)



  • Darklabs (A labaratory with a dark page in history books. Also the labaratory who developed an evil robot called Mech. The boss of redstone. In Darklabs you can find a robotic core which will spawn Mech. Darklabs can be found anywhere in your world on surface, but you must be lucky, because it's 1.150 spawn probability.
Minecraft mod files
Futuristic Robots 1.12.2_1.jar - Download this to start your adventure! :D Uploaded on: 05/20/2020 - 08:09   File size: 313.44 KB
Futuristic Robots 1.14.4_0.jar - Download this to start your adventure! :D Uploaded on: 05/20/2020 - 08:09   File size: 311.5 KB



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