A vanilla Style Mod With Only 7 items, but the heart of the mod comes from how close to Minecraft it is.
The Shulker Armor slightly stronger than Netherite, and allows for teleportation at the cost of exp when sprinting, as well as when you sneak, you get resistance 3. The most powerful part about the armor is the looks, it looks like the armor in Minecraft Dungeons, and has the same ability, 3/5 projectiles will just bounce off! Another feature is when you are elytra flying with the armor on and sneak, you rise up in the air, making getting around easier!
The Enchantment, Shulker aspect, makes the enemy struck be given levitation, with the length of the effect scaling with the level of the enchantment.
The Reinforced ender pearl is an ender pearl that when thrown doesn't break, it has 3 uses!
Support is Greatly appreciated! Plz report bugs or issues to me to be fixed asap!
Another mod I made: https://mcreator.net/modification/107548/enchants-and-things
-Modification added
-Workspace Example Made
good concept and items