(Requires Geckolib)
curseforge available also:
Enumerical Expansion is mod that is unlocking the 4th dimension, The Enum Kingdom!
It all starts in The End Islands where you can find now new ores, one of them is Enum Ore.
Enum Kingdom is dimension of lot of weird stuff and beautiful ones also, there are 6 various biomes.
Enum Fields: Contains Villages, Castles and Flying Towers
Enum Mushroom Forest: Contains Lot of Mushrooms and Enum Shroomlights
Voidinite Valley: Contains Enum Lava almost Everywhere and Void Corridors Dungeon!
Bool Emptiness: Contains only Scary Faces
Enum Highlands: Contains new Wood Type, Dead Bushes
Missing Spikes: Contains Missing Blocks and Cool Plant
You can get there by placing 4 Unstable Enum Blocks on the corners of 3x3 surface and then placing in the middle Uncharged Portal Frame Block. For everything to work, you must later right click Uncharged Portal Frame with Unstable Enum Crystal to activate portal.
But to get back to overworld you need Enum Pearl in your Inventory
To get this one you need to smith Unstable Enum Crystal with Aerogel Shard.
Unstable Enum Block:
Charged Portal Frame:
Uncharged Portal Frame:
Unstable Enum Crystal:
And this is smithing recipe for Unstable Enum Block:
Of course there are also 2 new Armor Trims and 10 new Trim Taterials:
Enum Crystal
Logic Crystal
Construct Shard
Integer Crystal
Enderium Ingot
Ascension Crystal.
And the Skill Tree part Requires Mythical Constructor, this is where the Skill Trees Are. You can get Mythical Constructor by trading with new villager type, Programmist. His workstation is located in one of few houses from Enum Village. (He Probably Disappears Beyond Spawn Chunks Due to Some Sort of Bug.)
(You can make 2 new potions placing on top slot of brewing stand Mythical Acid Fragment or Bool and on bottom slots Distilled Water)
(For Distilled Water you just need to place on top slot Warped Wart and on bottom slots Water Bottle)
(New Structure: Tuff Ruin on Savanna Biome)
(New Trades for Mason Villagers)
(You Can Use Aerogel Shards on Enumless Stone To Prevent it from Growing to Cursed Earth Again)
Getting Mythical Block: 10 Mythical Fragments + One Block
Getting Mythical Weapon Trims: 2 Mythical Fragments + 1 Air Shard Smithing Template
(They work only on Mod tools)
Getting Mythical Machines: 10 Mythical Blocks + 4 Enum Souls
GETTING ASCENSION CRYSTAL: 10 Mythical Blocks of every kind on all colored slots
All Skills Explained:
!ASCENSION CHEST! - Gives you a new chest type with loot
ASCENDED MINING - Adds 0.01% chance Per Level to get
New Potion Effect "Ascension" After Breaking a Block. It Stands For 1 Second (Gives 1 Ascension Crystal Per Second)
ASCENDED MINING+ - This Adds 1+ Effect Level To ASCENDED MINING Skill
and Ascension Bottle When Drinked (More Ascension Crystals Per Second)
(1st Level = 1/sec 2nd Level = 2/sec 3rd Level = 4/sec 4th Level = 5/sec 5th Level = 10/sec)
LUCKY BLOCK - Adds Experience Orb on every broken block (more Exp with every next level)
BLOCK REACH+ - You get bonus block building and breaking range
ENTITY REACH+ - You get bonus entities interaction range
STEP HEIGHT x2 - Allows you to walk on 1 block without jumping
SWIM SPEED x2 - Allows you to swim faster
WEALTHY ASCENSION - Gives you more Ascension Crystals after Constructing
WEALTHY ASCENSION COST REDUCTION - Every level reduces cost for Wealthy Ascension Skill by 2
LESS MYTHICAL FRAGMENTS - Reduces needed amount of creating a Mythical Block by 1 Mythical Fragment
STAR CLUSTER - Adds one Nether Star drop from Wither Boss
? SKILL - Unlocks New Transcendention Skill Tree and gives you little bonus
WEALTHY SHARDING - Adds +1 Transcendention Shard To Transcending
FURNACE EXPERIUM - More Experience aqquired from smelting
EXPERIUM KILLER - More Experience aqquired from killing mobs
LESS EXPERIENCE TRANSCENDENTION - With every level of this skill, Your required experience need is decreased by 1 level
SOUL COLLECTOR - Adds one Enum Soul drop from Walker
LESS ENUM SOULS - Reducing Your needed amount of Enum Souls By -1 Per Level
LESS MYTHICAL BLOCKS - This one reduce your needed amount of constructing Mythical Machines and Ascension Crystals by 1 Mythical Block
BETTER ASCENSION CRYSTALS - Every level increase your number on Right Click of Ascension Crystal Items
(Normal - 25, 1st Level - 100, 2nd Level - 200, 3rd Level - 325, 4th Level - 475)
TRANSCENDENTION BONUS - On every Transcendention you get Bonus Ascension Crystal on start per Level
TELEPORT... - Takes you to cool place :)
After unlocking Skill Trees you can become Very, Very Strong,
Much more in the game.
- Added Gravitonite Bow and Shears!
- Added Ascension Upgrade Smithing Template and With It:
Ascended Rose Flower and Potted Version,
Ascension Bottle,
Ascended Highland Doors,
Ascended Highland Trapdoor,
Ascended Tools and Weapons
Ascension Upgrade Drops From Ascension Chests.
- Converted Max Health+ Skill To Mythical Machine Replacing Armor Toughness,
Now The First Skill is ASCENDED MINING, adding 0.01% chance Per Level to get
New Potion Effect "Ascension" After Breaking a Block. It Stands For 10 Seconds
And Gives 1 Ascension Crystal Per Second (MAX SKILL LEVEL = 25)
- Second New Ascension Skill is ASCENDED MINING+
This Skill Is Adding 1+ Effect Level To ASCENDED MINING Skill
and Ascension Bottle When Drinked (MAX SKILL LEVEL = 4)
- Ascension Chest Now Always Cost 3 Ascension Crystals,
Less Mythical Fragments Skill is now Much Cheaper,
and Swim Speed x2 Skill Cost now Only 5 Ascension Crystals
- Now All Ascension Items Have Orange Name Color
- Changed Texture Of Programmist Villager
- Fixed First Ascension Advancement
- Fixed Ascend And Transcend Particles
- Some Other Minor Bugs Fixed
- Added Gravitonite Shield!
- Deepslate Kyawthuite Ore Now Generates 2 Times More Often
- New Recipes For Nether Warts, Enderium Fragments, Raw Enum Crystals And Blocks Of Raw Enum
- Unknown Mythical Block Gives Now Instant Health When Walking On Block
- Now Enderium Fragment Block And Mythical Blocks Drop Themselves
- Enderium Tools Give More Damage To Ender Mobs Now (Excluding Dragon)
- Now There Is Possibility To Pick Up Charged Mythical Portal Frame (Only Diamond Pick And Higher)
- Fixed First Mythical Block Advancement
- Airless Enchantment No Longer Appears In Vanilla Loot Chests
- New Beacon Base Blocks:
Enderium Block,
Ruby Block,
Amethyst Block,
Sapphire Block,
Enum Block,
Kyawthuite Block,
Ascension Block,
Transcended Ascension Block,
Transcendention Block
- New Beacon Payment Items:
Enderium Ingot,
Enum Crystal,
Gravitonite Ingot,
Ascension Crystal,
Transcendentialist Shard
- Soon Possession Enchantment Will Become Useful
- New Wood Type Blocks! Enum Mushroom Stem Can Now Be Crafted Into Planks
- Better Enum Torches!
- NEW SKILL: LESS ENUM SOULS (Decreases Needed Amount For Constructing Mythical Machines, Max 3 Levels)
- Reduced Requirement For Mythical Blocks From 20 To 10!(If Change Is Not Showing Up Use Command /MythicalBlocks reset)
- New Creative Tab: Other Stuff
- Wealthier Ascension Skill Now Cost 1 At Start
- Now Almost Every Mod Ores Drops Experience Orbs
- Enderium Ore No Longer Drops As A Block (Fortune and Silk Touch Possible)
- 2 New Small Structures: Void Bug Room and Void Bug Big Room, Spawns In Enumless Stone Layer
- Void Bug Got Its Own Damage And Death Sound
- New Red Cactus Block! It Can Be Found In All Badlands Biomes
- 2 New Mason Villager Trades
- Little Change For Programmist Trades
- Netherrack Can Be Blasted Now
- Fixed Some Models
- Fixed Construct Pepper Seeds
- More Shears Drops Bugs Fixed
- Recipe For Enderium Upgrader Shows Now After Getting Netherite Upgrader
- Little Changes For Gravitonite Ingot Texture
- Added Information For Ascension Crystal Item, Also Stack Limit For Ascension Crystal Item Grew Up Much More
- Mythical Barrel Now Can Hold More Than 999 Items Per Slot Now
- Walker Got Now 1.2 Block Step Height
- Fixed Enum Torches Model Lighting
- reduced costs of Less Mythical Fragment Skill
- Updated Recipe For Programmist Table to all planks kind
- Fixed model offset for Enum Blossoms
- Enum Blossoms now change instantly their blockstates
- Fixed bug with not dropping acid flowers and dead highland bushes with scissors
- changed acid ingots and acid flowers recipes to be easier now
-Fixed Void Bug Drop With Looting Enchantment ,
-Changed Recipe For Mythical Frost Fragment ,
-New Item, Ice Shards. With Them You Can Craft Now Mythical Frost Fragments ,
-New Trade With Dragon Breath Added to Programmist Villager
this is incredible, it looks so cool!