Warlery's Dark Blood

Published by Warlerys on
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Project status
In development
Academic Free License v3.0
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Supported Minecraft versions

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Decades before the events in Warlery's HQ, the protagonist (you) was sent on a rescue mission to a mysterious world, formerly a world where resources were exploited to the maximum power, in that world, strange and grotesque events have occurred, once the protagonist enters there, he will lose all communication, as time goes by, the protagonist will encounter creatures that have no explanation of how they exist, creatures that will haunt and torment the protagonist to his maximum madness.



Survive is your only solution, the world is getting haunted by misterious and gross nightmare creatures.



This mod Adds more than 27 New Weapons for destroy that monsters!




The only way to obtain the good items, is killing Walkers, Walkers drop Souls which can be tradeable to obtain crates, Crates after destroy it drops weapons or some good stuff!




Common Questions:

How to survive the first night?

Try build a house, base or if you are lucky, find a village.

How i can exit from the nightmare event? 

killing a normal walker, he drops a crate without name, break it!.

How i get supplies?

Killing some walkers, Medkits can appear in the "Soul Crate"

There's an ending of this mod?

Technically this mod doesn't have an ending but a alternative ending is completing the advancements of the mod, monster advancemente can be obtained by melee kill without crits!.


How to beat specific enemy's like:

-Warned: Can be killed instantly by electro shocks or sniper guns

-Seeker: Can be killed instantly by electro shocks.

-Punisher: use fireguns to stun him and deal melee damage

-Opressor: i could beat him with fire guns


Who are the Walkers? 

Walkers are Demoniac grossy entities, most of the walkers are humanoids with putrid flesh and blood in their bodys, they come to the world for meat, depressed people or punish the people who commit high range crimes, but in some cases the protagonist is innocent but walkers can't see this, walkers are attracted to well trained survivors, they thinks the meat of the experimented survivor deals they a bless, the bless of soul freedom.

In other vision 

Walkers are trapped souls in a demoniac fleshy bloody body calling for help, walking faster to the player for get the freedom bless, in some cases walkers kill the player because they can't control 100% of their bodies. But this turn too bad, its you or the walkers.


This is not a dweller mod, this monsters can be killed and they doesn't drop random jumpscares.


Music Credits: Silent hill Games

You Can see al the demos in my channel: https://www.youtube.com/@WarlerysHQ-du5ds

Modification files
dark_blood-1.0.55-forge-1.20.1_0.jar - Details and Stuff Update Uploaded on: 01/24/2025 - 21:57   File size: 37.59 MB
dark_blood-1.0.0-forge-1.20.1.jar - Baby Survivor Uploaded on: 12/24/2024 - 16:39   File size: 3.81 MB


- Enemies -
    -Balanced Walker hunter
        --20 HP
    -Balanced Walker Usurpator
        -+20 Hp
        --1 DMG
    -Reduced spawn rate from special Walkers

    -Added Diffuculty after complete a Weapon advancement

- World -
    -Adjusted Ambient sound and musics

- Weapons - 



- Enemies -
    -Added Walker Punisher
        -Variant of Walker Tormented
        -Has Dangerous Blades
        -Run Faster
        -Can block Fireguns Shoots! (Except Zommed sniper rifle and Killerdk9 shots) 
    -Added Walker Hunter
        - Variant of normal walker
        - can deal attacks with the glock
        - Precise shots, lower atk rate.

    -Improved animations from walkers
    -Fixed bug from Disturbed targeting the player
    -Reduced volume from seeker hability

- World -
    -Added Language Spanish to mod (Chile, Mexico, Argentina, Ecuador, España.)
    -Retexturized NightmareSoulCrate.
    -Added more Letters
        -Letters can be unlocked by advancements
        -Know the Dark Blood Lore!.
    -Adjusted channel sound from enemy's, all are in Hostile audio channel!

- Weapons - 
    -Fixed Sniper Rifle aim bug
        -Not show completly the zoom.
    -Added new hability to pumpdb4
        -Now shots deal slowness to target.
    -Added more Durability to Fire guns
    -Retextured some Melee weapons.



- Enemies -
    - Added Usurpator
        -Very faster monster
        -Normal Attacks, great loot
    - Added Faceless
        -Rare Walker variant
        -Quiet, if he detects you running in him radius he will attack you!
        -he are the stronger walker of the 3 variants (Opressor doesn't count)
        -Very Dangerous damage

    -improved Animations and some textures from Monsters

- World -
    -Added new advancements
    -Added new more Ambient Sounds
    -Reduced EXP Drop from walkers.
    - On fireguns, press "R" to view the weapon

- Weapons - 
    - Rebalanced Knifes
        -Added more attack speed
    - Added crits mechanics to Metal Pipe

    - Added SledgeBonecrusher
        -Stronger Knockback
        -There's a prob to push up the enemy, have crits
        -But Crits makes you weak!
    - Added Swords
        -The kingdoms eyelander
            -SKILL: Every hit gives you Nocturnal vision, Speed and Slow falling.
            -ISSUE: Prob to absorb 15 XP from player per hit And Slowness on wearer.
        -Dungeon's Bloody Hunter
            -SKILL: Resistance and Fire Resistance on wearer, Can Instakill Skeletons, Zombies and normal Walkers.
            -ISSUE: Slowness and absorbs 20 XP per Hit, no crits.
        -Cursed edgeforce
            -SKILL: Poison to target (4 DMG every 5 seconds)
            -SKILL: Lower HP can deals you Resistance.
            -ISSUE: Lower HP Can deals you Slowness
    - Added Guns in the mod
        -Ranged Weapons Doesn't have crits!
        -Ranged Weapons Doesn't give you advancements kills!
        -Glock MK-2 (Pistol)
            -SKILL: Speed on wearer.
            -ISSUE: Have Durability!, Slower shoot rate!.
        -Monsk M-4 (Pistol)
            -SKILL: Precision, on hit you gain 4 seconds of regeneration and nightvision
            -ISSUE: this weapon is weak on Giant walkers (Only Deal 3.5 DMG!)
        -Riot SB-3 (Shotgun)
            -SKILL: Resistance and great Knockback, No ammo required.
            -ISSUE: Has durability.
        -Pump DB-4 (Shotgun)
            -SKILL: Great Knockback, +3 Shells on shot.
            -ISSUE: Has durability, After shot you will be slower for 2 seconds, -3 Punch DMG.
        -Hunter DB-9 (Sniper)
            -SKILL: Luck on wearer, deals +10 DMG on zoomed.
            -ISSUE: Has durability, can't punch enemies with the gun, Can't move while focusing enemy.
        -Killer DK-6 (Sniper)
            -SKILL: On hit you gain Regeneration, Resistance and Fire resistance on wearer.
            -ISSUE: Has durability, Can't focus the enemy, less penetration bullet, slowness after hit an an enemy (3 seconds).



- Enemies -
    -Re-textured some enemies.
        -Walker,sucker,abyss eater, opressor, agressive seeker, stinger, warned.
    -Re-Made Agressive Seeker Animations.
    -Added animations to Warned
        -New seek ability of warned: gives you wither on seek.

- World -
    -Added difficult when you reach Exp Levels.
        - if the player reach 50 Levels of Exp, Walkers gain effects like, resistance, strenght or speed.

    -Reduced Medikit drop rate



- Enemies -
    -Added Agressive Seeker
        -a Little bit more bigger than the normal seeker
        -their curses are more agressive, make it teleport to the player
    -Added Small Executor
        -Smaller entity, can be annoying in smaller places, low damage, faster than stinger.
        -there is a prob to make you dizzy for 15 seconds
    -Added Big Executor
        -Bigger entity, Slower Walk, Heavy knockback damage
        -There is a prob to kill you instantly.

- World -
    -Added More Advancements.
        -to have this walkers achievements, the weapon does not have to finish killing the walker with criticals
    -Added More music
    -Fixed some details.

- Weapons -

    -Rebalanced Notably Dangerous MetalPipe
        -Added +20% rate to deal dangerous Damage
        -Added +1 Damage
    -Rebalanced HotSteel Bonecrusher
        -Now the probably to burn is hitting a enemy
        -Added + 1 Damage
    -Rebalanced Bonesaw
        -Added Resistance on wearer
    -Rebalanced Poison Knife
        -Added +4 after hit damage
        -Added +0.2 attack rate
    -Rebalanced Bloody Knife
        -Added minicrits
    -Rebalanced Bonecrusher
        -Now deals weakness to target too.
    -Rebalanced knife
        -Now to gain strenght your hp must be 8.
    -New Utility from Electro shock
        -Can kill instantly Walker Warneds and seekers!



- Enemies -
    -Adjusted enemy sounds
    -Added tormented
        -deadly quiet walker
        -After death he's probably back to life!
    -Added Faulter
        -long arms, good damage, appears chasing the player forever

- World -
    -Adjusted and added more background sounds.
    -Added Advancements.
    -Added music.
    -Added nightmare event
        -obtainable after "???"
        -Exit= killing a normal walker, he drops a portal.
- Weapons - 
    -Rebalanced Butcher knife
        -Added less tool resistance
    -Rebalanced ViciousButcherKnife
        -Now Have Crits but Hungry ll on wearer
    -Nerfed Reinforced Pickaxe
        -Less tool resistance
    -Nerfed Lethal Axe
        -Less tool resistance
    -Rebalanced Pipes.
    -Rebalanced Bonesaw
        -Added more damage and attack rate.
    -Balanced Some Reloading Weapons!

    -Added Running Butcher Knife
        -Speed and SlowFalling but poison on hit
        -Good damage than the other Butchers Knifes



- Enemies -
    -Added Walker
        - First and normal enemy, Spawns in too much groups
        - 20 Hp, normal speed and damage. 
        - if you collide with him you will prob to gain poison!
    - Added Walker Sucker
        - Spawns in too much groups
        - 25 Hp, unusual speed and damage. 
        - if you collide with him you will prob to gain poison!
    - Added Walker Abyss Eater
        - Spawns in too much groups
        - 30 Hp, unusual speed and lower damage. 
        - if you collide with him you will prob to gain poison!
    - Added Walker Stinger
        - Spawns in too much groups
        - 33 Hp, unusual speed and damage. 
        - if you collide with him you will prob to gain nausea!
    - Added Walker DeadClock
        - Spawns in some groups
        - 40 Hp, unusual speed and damage. 
    - Added Walker Riot
        - Spawn lonely
        - 60 Hp, Slow but Deadly
        - Hits can make you dizzy
    - Added Seeker
        - lower spawn rate
        - 30 Hp, not move, if you are nearly he curses you!
        - i should kill him, annoying enemy!
    - Added Walker Observer
        - Lower Spawn rate
        - 60 Hp, strong damage, bigger walker.
    - Added Walker disturbed
        - Lower Spawn rate
        - 82 Hp, strong damage, is very stealthy but he detects you in nearly range
- World -
    - Added Background sounds
    - added souls
        -obtained after kill any walker
        -can tradeable for soulcrates!
- Weapons - 
    - Added Hammer and variants
        -Basic Weapon, normal damage, great knockback.
        -Skill: Great Punch, there is a prob to knockback the enemie to long distances
    - Added Knife and variants
        -Basic Weapon, low damage, Fast Attack rate, AOE DAMAGE.
    - Added Metal Pipe and Variants
        -Inusual Weapon, Very Good Damage, Lower attack rate
        - Can Stun target/deal big damage or burn the enemie
    - Added Fire axe and Variants
        - Powerfull attacks, low attack rate, Have crits
    - Added Reinforced Pickaxe and Variants
        - Powerfull attacks, very low attack rate, have some effects
    - Added BoneSaw
        - Normal damage, have effects, can Steal exp orbs of the entity
    - Added Butcher Axe and Variants
        - Low Damage, Good Effects, Some Issues!

    - Added Medkit
        -Basic, Refill your HP and gives you absortion for 3 seconds
    - Added Adrenaline-57
        -Basic, Gives you invulnerability for 15 seconds
        -After that, makes you slower for 5 seconds
    - Added Electric shot
        -Stun the enemy for 10 seconds
        -Deals 5 damage
        -Cooldown 10 Seconds