Recording Mod Replacements

Started by TJM20112019 on

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Recording Mod Replacements
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 17:52 (edited)

Hello! Me and my sisters started to design a movie. We made the main script and started set building when I found out that the Replay mod can't record modded stuff (I don't know what modded things it can't record but I know that blocks are on there). I'm using mods like Create Trackwork, Ice and Fire, and even some custom mods, these mods can't move up in version making flashback unavailable. We're using Minecraft version 1.20.1 and Forge 47.3.0 but fabric will work because we have sinytra connecter. And we don't want to buy another Minecraft account.

If anyone can help that would be appreciated. This is our first movie in Minecraft and if we find a way to record it will be posted on our youtube channel here.


Edited by TJM20112019 on Thu, 01/16/2025 - 17:52