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Known Bug: Inventory texture NOT working. I'm well aware and waiting on a solution. The mod still fully functions, however. Sorry for the issue.

Ever just wanted simply a charcoal block, without the extra junk other mods offer? Well, you're in luck! Simply put 9 charcoal in a crafting grid, and bam! You have a charcoal block which works for smelting! (And obviously power creation ;D)


1. Can I put this in my pack?

Yes, you can use this mod in your pack. I honestly do not care, it's nothing big. :)


 Crafting Recipes:


The charcoal Block will smelt for 80 items, same as a coal block. (Yes, I know. It's 10x, It's the same as vanilla)

Minecraft mod files
Charcoalmod 1.9.jar - A mod that literally adds a Charcoal Block. Uploaded on: 06/23/2016 - 20:19   File size: 16.51 KB

it's cool , but when get your first coal , you usually stop to use the charcoal.