Eternals Craft

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Hi guys, I'm Brazilian and I just have 14 years, this is my first mod but I tried my maximum, this mod add +40 mobs with 9 Bosses, +12 ores, 3 biomes, 1 Dimenssion, .8 Dungeons/structures, and Treasures chests around the world!

The mobs are strong, maybe the Diamond Sword can be Simple! But this mod are a BETA! I Will add more bosses, items and sounds in the future! The portal of the dimenssion is the Nightmare Stone, I'll Make a wiki later to all of the mod.

Minecraft mod files - BETA Mod Uploaded on: 08/05/2016 - 17:03   File size: 3.36 MB - Bug Fixes Uploaded on: 06/04/2017 - 02:38   File size: 3.36 MB

For a long time the mod was stopped, but soon a new version will be released that will add more things

I will make more versions to this mod, if if someone wants to give ideas or moral support to this project, here is my skype: craft_plate (I will put your name in the creadits!)