Craftable Everything

Published by 3nd3rman on
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Hello! My new mod only adds 1 item, but it adds a TON of recipes. I'd recomend the Not Enough Items mod so you can view the recipes.. The recipes allow you to craft things that you can't craft without this mod. This includes:

⦁ Emeralds
⦁ Diamonds
⦁ Redstone
⦁ Quartz
⦁ Gunpowder
⦁ Lapis
⦁ Gold
⦁ Elytra
⦁ Prismarine
⦁ Blaze Rod
⦁ Mob Heads
⦁ Planks
⦁ Obsidian
⦁ Nether Star
⦁ End Crystals
⦁ Name Tags
⦁ Poisonous Potatoes
⦁ Glowstone Dust
⦁ All Ores
⦁ Chains
⦁ Chainmail Armor
⦁ Saddles
⦁ Horse Armor
⦁ Clay
⦁ Flint
⦁ Dragon Breath
⦁ Lava
⦁ Milk


Minecraft mod files - Craftable Everything 1.0.0 Uploaded on: 10/02/2016 - 19:30   File size: 439.16 KB

You should update the description to say "Just Enough Items" as "Not Enough Items" is incompatible with 1.10.2.

Cool another mod with chain. My mod has chain and makes it easier to get chainmail armor ?