More Dimensions

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Ever got tired of the overworld, but don't feel like going to the nether or end. Then this mod is for you.

There are four dimensions now, the Woodland Dimension, the Endless Cave Dimension, the Iceland Dimension, the Glow, the Void, Quartzland, Magmaland & Happyland. There will be more in the future.

Minecraft mod files
Mo' Dims 1.2.jar Uploaded on: 02/13/2018 - 12:05   File size: 444.81 KB
Mo' Dims 1.3.jar Uploaded on: 02/15/2018 - 08:36   File size: 481.64 KB
Mo' Dims 1.4.jar Uploaded on: 02/20/2018 - 17:50   File size: 612.1 KB
Mo' Dims 1.5.jar Uploaded on: 03/20/2018 - 18:32   File size: 705.77 KB

1.5 Adds Magmaland, Removes Quartz Dirt, & adds Grassgem

1.4 Adds Rubies to The Endless Cave, lets you find quartz in Happyland, adds Quartzland, and adds Cavefruit in the Endless Cave as a test

1.3 Adds the Swimland Dimension

1.2 Adds the Happyland dimension and alters the way Iceland generates (lol again)

1.1 Adds the Void and alters the way Iceland generates

1.0.1 Renames Crystice Shards to Crystice & added recepis to craft Crystice blocks & Glowrock blocks to Crystice & Glowrock