Wanderer's Artifacts

Published by _Fa11out_ on
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Project status
In development
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Please notice:

1)This is my first and test mod

2) [DISCLAIMER] All item icons are references to EVE Online, they are belong to CCP and their proper owners.

These items gives their holder a permament buff as long as they keep them in inventory.

Buff list:






In addition, these buff's are at high level (higher than common minecraft potions can give), also they have a "side effects", every artefact has it's own debuff. Also, as this is an "In development" version, effects could be changed.

For additional information check changelog

 Have fun!

Minecraft mod files
wanderer stuff 0.9a [1.12.2].jar - (OLD)Version 0.9a Uploaded on: 05/15/2018 - 08:16   File size: 145.65 KB
wanderer stuff 0.93[1.12.2].jar - (OLD)Version 0.93 Uploaded on: 05/15/2018 - 08:16   File size: 1.25 MB
Wanderer's Artifacts 0.93.1[1.12.2].jar - Version 0.93.1 Uploaded on: 04/08/2019 - 13:58   File size: 1.45 MB

-Version 0.93.1

Mod restored(because recently .mcr was damaged), and from a new content can be introduced


  • Added new tool's: Omni Tool(like multitool), Obsidian Omni Tool, Energized Obsidian Omni Tool


  • Strontium Clathrates stack limit is now 4
  • Antipharmakon Toxot now provides Regeneration 4 

If you are looking for recipes, check folder "Recipes" in .JAR file


-Version 0.93

Skipped ver.0.91-0.92 because of rewritting mod and mcreator issues with procedure system.

Major introductions:

  • Added new ore blocks: Heavy Ice, Blue ice
  • Added new ore: Heavy Ice Ore, Blue Ice Ore
  • Added new fuel: Strontium Uranat, tick rate 72000 (about 60mins in furnace)
  • Added new biome: frosty Ice biome, spawns with enormous amount of ice blocks
  • Added new material: Heavy Water, Blue Water, Active Chemical's

Minor introductions

  • Re-Issued "Strontium Clathrates" recipe, for details open "Recipes" folder in .jar file


  • Iokira artefact now gives effects: Strength 5 and Hunger 3
  • Aeolis artefact now gives effects: Speed 5 and Mining Fatigue 3
  • Thureo artefact now gives effects: Resistance 5(Invulnerablity) and Weakness 5(unable to deal damage to mobs)
  • Toxot artefact now gives effects: Night Vision 2 and Nausea 4
  • Kosubo artefact now gives effects: Haste 5 and Blindness 4


-Version 0.90a

  • added Recipe's screenshots in .JAR file (opens with RAR-archiever and open folder Recipes)