Syconn's Star Wars Mod

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Meet your favorite characters and adventure in custom dimensions and biome. This mod will developed over time and get better and better. This mod would never happen without Mcreator. This mod requires Minecraft Forge 1.12.2. You should Download Recommended.


Have you ever wanted to use the force in Minecraft. Now you can by using diffrent powers depending on which color lightsaber you use. You can right-click when holding a lightsaber. 


I plan on adding a new characters such as Luke, Darth Vader, Anakin Skywalker, and much more. They will be Good and kill monsters and help with the player. The bad mobs will hurt good mobs and players. 

This mod all thanks to Mcreator.

With the change to the structer now we can do so much more

Minecraft mod files
Beta 5.0.0.jar - The latest Release, There will be a new one. Uploaded on: 09/22/2018 - 00:36   File size: 788.72 KB