All Items, Blocks and Tools from Nether OresNTools
Nether OresNTools
Nether OresNTools features new Items, Blocks and Tools.
Netherasmarite Ore and Netherkryonite Ore only generates in the Nether at height 17-5 only once per Chunk up to 4 Ores max.
The Main and Special Features are the 2 Pickaxes. Netherkryonite and Netherasmarite Pickaxes.
Netherkryonite can be mined with a Diamond Tier Pickaxe. Except the yellowish Netherasmarite Ore which needs an Kryonite Tier Pickaxe.
After you mined these Ores you can melt them in the Furnace to get Netherkryonite Ingots or Netherasmarite Ingots.
You need them to craft the Crystals (Netherkryonite-, Netherasmarite Crystal)
If you have crafted the Crystals. You combine them with Sticks like the Vanilla Tools to get the Tools you want.
So why you should craft these? So first they have way more durability than Diamond and they are way more efficient. Asmarite have the most.
And you can enchant them too! Netherkryonite can be better enchanted than Netherasmarite.
Special Items
Netherkryonite Mining Core - If you already have an Netherkryonite Pickaxe you can instant mine Ores that cant be smelted like Coal or Diamonds by right clicking the Ore. You will get 6 times more from the Ore. And the Netherkryonite Mining Core will be consumed.
Netherasmarite Mining Core - If you already have an Netherasmarite Pickaxe you can instant mine Ores they will be autosmelted by right clicking the Ore. You will get 12 times more from the Ore. And the Netherasmarite Mining Core will be consumed. Works on Netherkryonite and Netherasmarite too but you only get 3 Times of these due to balancing.
- Netherkryonite Ore
- Netherasmarite Ore
- Netherkryonite Ingot
- Netherasmarite Ingot
- Netherkryonite Crystal
- Netherasmarite Crystal
- Netherkryonite Tools (Axe, Pickaxe, Sword, Shovel)
- Netherasmarite Tools (Axe, Pickaxe, Sword, Shovel)
- Netherkryonite Block
- Netherasmarite Block
- Netherkryonite Mining Core
- Netherasmarite Mining Core
- Right Clicking with Netherkryonite Pickaxe on Ores will consume 1 Netherkryonite Mining Core and drop the 6X Amount of the Ore that you right clicked on. Works only with unsmeltable Ores (Dont Work on Lapis Lazuli and Redstone)
- Right Clicking with Netherasmarite Pickaxe on Ores will consume 1 Netherasmarite Mining Core and drop the 12X Amount of the Ore that you right clicked on. Works with smeltable and unsmeltable Ores (Dont Work on Lapis Lazuli and Redstone)
I change it that it drops 2. It wont drop more because Fortune dont work with the Mining Cores. But you can still enchant the Pickaxes with Fortune and get the Drops by normally mining. Drops with the Mining Cores will only drop 6 (w/Kryonite Tier) or 12 (w/Asmarite Tier).
Really nice, love the textures!