Creatures and beasts mod - model testing

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In development
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This is an unfinished pre-release of the creatures and beasts mod, simply to preview how the models will look in game. There are plenty many mobs yet to be added; You can join the discord to see the prgress of the mod
Just so everyone knows: this mod should not be played with in survival worlds or added to modpacks - It is only a preview of the models and is very glitchy.

Minecraft mod files
CreaturesAndBeasts-Beta_Test_Release_2.jar - Creatures and beasts pre release Uploaded on: 03/20/2020 - 14:26   File size: 684.95 KB

Hi, good-looking mod and it looks fantastic on 1.16. Did you ever finish the 1.12 version? Your discord invite is invalid.

just wanted to tell you i think someone is using your model for the swamp creature here it is

These models look really good, much better than my models.

If anyone can help me I will be grateful!

I would like to know how I do to animate the body parts correctly.

At Mcreator, when importing Java Class, he asks to put the body parts to animate.

I don't understand anything and every time I put it, my entity gets all buggy in the game.

My organization has several groups and is a little bit complicated.

To summarize, I would like to know if there are any tutorials helping to import Java class pro MCreator.

Note: My English is terrible because I'm Brazilian and I don't know much.

These models are so cool!!! I especially love the cyndershell :)