More Useful Things

Published by Loupieur on
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More UseFul Things is a mod that adds useful things, abused things or things not abused, there is a little bit of everything, it's not really a mod to use for survival...
But more for fun




The mod adds a new ore, the Mega, the ore allows you to craft most of the things added by the mod, it allows you to craft armor and tools in mega, the mod also adds new ender pearls, new weapons and many other things...




List of new weapons :

- Fire Sword

- Lightning Sword

- Lightning Wand

- Grenades
- Grenade Launcher
- Saitama's Glove

List of new ender pearls :

- Super Ender Pearl

- Follow Ender Pearl
- No Gravity Ender Pearl
- No Damage Ender Pearl




The mod adds a "boss" that doesn't attack us but attacks mobs, the boss is Saitama, he takes a very long time to kill and if you kill him you get his glove back, the only way to kill him quickly is to kill him with his own glove, except you won't get his glove back


The mod also adds a magic carpet that allows you to climb on it and fly endlessly, there is also a safe whose default code is 0, and when the safe is unlocked you can change the code and have access to the contents of the safe, there are also flight boots which allow you to fly but lose durability as you go... There is also a Jetpack, with the key which is by default space, it allows you to fly vertically when you hold this key, an infinite apple, which allows you to be eaten infinitely. all mega ore gear is fafrique like netherite gear, it takes one piece of netherite gear and one mega ingot in the blacksmith.



News Ender Pearls infos :

The super ender pearl goes further than the normal ender pearl, the follow ender pearl when you throw it you are directly teleported to the follow ender pearl until it hits the ground, the no gravity ender pearl has no no gravity, it goes straight, the no damage ender pearl when it hits the ground and it teleports you, it does no damage to you.




When you break the safe the content does not drop to the ground but is deleted, so if you have lost the safe code you can no longer recover the content.

There are 2 new tools, the hammer and the driller, the hammer allows you to mine in 3x3 but mines slower than a pickaxe, the driller is a multi tool, it allows you to mine any block, mine faster than the other tools, but cannot be enchanted...

There are 2 new stones, the spawn stone and the void stone, the spawn stone allows when you do a right click sneak it defines the coordinates at which you are and saves them in the stone, and when you right click that teleports you to the last place sets and removes durability and activates the cooldown, the void stone on right click opens a GUI that allows you to put items and when you press the Delete items button, it deletes all the contents of the void stone , the items are removed from the void stone and returned to the inventory if you don't delete the items and enable the GUI.

There are mines, when you step on them it explodes, there is the Mine, the Mine x2 and the Mine x4, the mines make bigger and bigger explosions.

There are block caves which allow you to see the caves through the block as if you were bugged in a block.

There are invisible blocks, invisible unbreakable blocks which are crafted with bedrock and invisible breakable blocks which are not crafted with bedrock but can be broken.

The mod also adds xp berry bushes, which grow xp berries, and if you right click with an xp berry you gain 5 xp.

the mod also adds the swicher, when you shoot it and you hit any entity, it swaps your 2 places, it doesn't use ammo, just durability and a cooldown.

When an entity is struck by lightning it has a certain chance to drop a lightning fragment which allows to craft the lightning sword and the lightning wand.

There are also backpacks that allow you to store items like a chest but as an item in the inventory.

There is a teleportation stick which with a right click teleports you very quickly to where you are looking instantly, but takes longer if you are aiming in water... The tool only has 10 uses and a big cooldown, so use it well.

The mod also adds stick blocks that break after a while as soon as you put them down, you don't have a lot of blocks in your world when you need to climb mountains for example, I recommend the block electric baton which returns to your inventory and which breaks more quickly than the wooden one, but needs to be mined by a minimum stone pickaxe, and the craft is more expensive.



Minecraft mod files
More Useful Things Mod 1.17.1 Forge v1.0 by Loupieur.jar - More Useful Things Mod 1.17.1 Forge v1.0 by Loupieur Uploaded on: 03/14/2022 - 07:13   File size: 822.36 KB