NOTICE: as of 1.19.3 this mod will be developed via IntelliJ rather than MCreator.
Mcreator has been a great help to me on my journey to developing for Minecraft mod development!
1.19.3+ Versions available here!
Latest Version: (forge 1.19.2) REGIONS_UNEXPLORED SNAPSHOT 11.17_03
Regions Unexplored is a biome mod for 1.16.5+ that aims to overhaul the overworld in many ways.
With over 60 new biomes, there's a plethora of new views to see!
With over 60 new biomes there's no shortage to how sights there are! Here is just a taste of what there is to see!

Regions Unexplored also adds a BUNCH of new blocks to use including new soils, painted planks, various trees and flora!
There is so much more to see! But we will save that for exploring!
Regions Unexplored RELEASE 192.1.0
=Rerwote the ENTIRE mod from the ground up
+Added Biomes:
-Redstone Caves
-Giant Bayou
+Added Blocks:
-Forest Farmland
-Forest Path
-Forest Mud
-Plains Farmland
-Plains Path
-Plains Mud
-Mauve Wood Blocks
-Pink Bioshroom
-Yellow Bioshroom
-Sandy Tall Grass
-Potted Flowers and Saplings
-Deepslate Viridescent Nylium
-Raw Redstone Block
-Pointed Redstone
-Redstone Bud
-Redstone Bulb
-Deepslate Prismoss
-Prismarite Crystal
-Prismoss Sprout
-Cave Hyssop
-Birch Branch
-Blackwood Branch
-Cypress Branch
-Dead Branch
-Oak Branch
-Pine Branch
-Redwood Branch
-Spruce Branch
+Added colours to all blocks for maps
+Added Config for Region Weight and Biome Toggles
+Added Rare Terrablender region, all rare biomes have been moved to this region
+Added Ability to Bonemeall grass types into tall variants
+Added misc wood crafts
+Added Forge biome dictionary tags
=Tweaked many textures
=Converted all block loot to Loot Tables
=Renamed Wet Grass to Seeded Grass
=Renamed Desert Grass to Sandy Grass
=Fixed many spelling errors and registry names
=Bioshrooms now emit a light level of 10
=Tweaked biome placement
=Reverted Arid Mountains surface rules to 1.16 like design
=Red Maples will now generate instead of Silver Birch in Maple Forests
=Changed design of natural Cherry trees
=Optimized block stripping and flammability
=Changed Blackwood Forest bioshrooms to blue and pink variants
=Fixed mod breaking some structure spawning
=Fixed crash when used with Biomes You'll Go
=fixed critical issue with Canadian Forest Maple's leaves
-Removed all legacy blocks(Mud, Sandy Dirt, Snowy Soil, etc.)
-Removed Mangrove wood type
-Removed mobs and ore types
SNAPSHOT 11.17_03
+Added Rare Terrablender region, all rare biomes have been moved to this region
+Added biome toggles for all biomes
+Added Giant Bayou biome
+Added Prismachasm cave biome
+Added new blocks:
-Forest and Plains Dirt Path
-Deepslate Prismoss
-Prismarite Crystal
-Prismoss Sprout
-Cave Hyssop
-Birch Branch
-Blackwood Branch
-Cypress Branch
-Dead Branch
-Oak Branch
-Pine Branch
-Redwood Branch
-Spruce Branch
(Branches will not spawn naturally yet but are accessible from creative menu)
=Fixed crash when used with Biomes You'll Go
=Restored Bioshroom Blocks
=Restored Glowshroom Grotto (Renamed Bioshroom Caves)
=Restored Lush Delta and Scorch biomes
=Reverted Arid Mountains surface rules to 1.16 like design
=in Maple Forests, Red Maples will now generate instead of Silver Birch
=Changed design of natural Cherry trees
=Updated Redwood Logs texture
=Updated Baobab Leaves texture
=Optimized block stripping and flammability
=Minor texture fixes/changes
=Reorganized config
SNAPSHOT 11.09_01
+Added Redstone Caves biome
+Added Raw Redstone Block
+Added Pointed Redstone
+Added Redstone Bud
+Added Redstone Bulb
+Added misc wood crafts
+Added Forge biome dictionary tags
=Fixed mod breaking some structure spawning
=Restored many placed features for biomes
=Made all wood types burn in furnace as fuel
=Made all logs cook into Charcoal
=Fixed "Experimental" warning when creating world
-NOTE: in a bid to simplify the mod a bit,
mobs and ore types will not be re-added at this time,
however they make be made a separate addon later
SNAPSHOT 11.02_02 - First 1.19.2 version!!
=Rerwote the ENTIRE mod from the ground up
+Added Mauve wood type
+Added Farmland blocks/tilling to Forest And Plains grass
+Added Deepslate Viridescent Nylium
+Added Pink and Yellow Bioshrooms (not yet used)
+Added potted versions of most flowers and saplings
+Added colours to all blocks for maps
+Added Config for Region Weight and some Biome Toggles
+Added Ability to Bonemeall grass types into tall variants
+Added Sandy Tall Grass
+Added Plains and Forest Mud Types
=Tweaked many textures
=Converted all block loot to Loot Tables
=Renamed Wet Grass to Seeded Grass
=Renamed Desert Grass to Sandy Grass
=Fixed many spelling errors and registry names
=Bioshrooms now emit a light level of 10
=Tweaked biome placement
-Removed all legacy blocks(Mud, Sandy Dirt, Snowy Soil, etc.)
-Removed Mangrove wood type
-restore biome advancements
-rework cave biomes
-fix quicksand spawning
-fix arid mountains surface rule
-restore logs smelting into charcoal
-restore wood types furnace fuels
-restore blackwood mushroom structures
-misc feature restoration
(forge 1.18.2) regions_unexplored r1.0.0
NOTE: final changes made to last snapshot
-finished up many features
-misc fixes and optimizations
-added bonemeal and snow layers to remaining grass types
(forge 1.18.2) reg_un SNAPSHOT 10.19_01
-added Doors and Trapdoors to ALL wood types
-major world gen optimizations
-logs can now be smelted for charcoal
-all wood related materials can now be used as furnace fuel
-added more misc crafting
-misc fixes and tweaks
(forge 1.18.2) reg_un SNAPSHOT 10.15_02
-added Dry Bushland biome
-Restored last few biomes from 1.16.5:
+Death Grove(now called Smoldering Woodland)
-tweaks to multiple surface rules
-completely reworked rules builders for:
=Arid Mountains
=Lupine Island
-Optimized surface rules further
(forge 1.18.2) reg_un SNAPSHOT 10.13_03
-restored even more biomes from 1.16.5
+Towering Cliffs
+Frozen Forest
+Icy Desert
+Fungal Fen
-Added Deepslate Carnelian Ore (no functionality yet)
-Tweaked mob spawning
-Optimized surface rules
-Cactus flower now acts as sapling for Saguaro Cactus
-Added new biomes to Regions Explored Advancement
-Completed biome structure tags
(forge 1.18.2) reg_un SNAPSHOT 10.10_01
-First 1.18.2 snapshot!
-restored more biomes from 1.16.5
+Marsh(renamed to Flooded Plains)
+Icy Heights
+Mauve Hills
+Eucalyptus Forest
-1 new sub_biome
+Roofed Eucalyptus Forest
-Fixed Regions Explored advancement not counting some biomes
-Tweaked Scorch biome details
-Fixed Revenant spawning
-Minor bugfixes
-removed some clutter files to drop size
1.18.2 TESTBUILD 221009 HOTFIX
-restored full functionality to saplings/trees
-fixed tree textures white pixels
-returned revenant's missing leg and arm
1.18.2 TESTBUILD 221007
-testing some functionality, requires Terrablender
Beta 0.3.0
-added 5 new biomes:
+Cold Deciduous Forest
+Icy Desert
+Hot Springs
+Saguaro Desert
-Reworked Biome Placement
-Added Blocks:
+Apple Leaves
-Fixed Outback trees generating underwater.
Beta 0.2.15
-Reworked version naming
-added 11 new biomes:
+Arid Mountains
+Autumnal Maple Forest
+Autumnal Mixed Taiga
+Barley Fields
+Cold Boreal Forest
+Flower Plains
+Lush Desert
+Mixed Taiga
-Reworked Biome Placement
-Added Surface Builders to many biomes to make them more unique
-Saplings now rely on features rather than structures meaning they can no longer grow through blocks(excluding Baobab and Palm atm)
-Added Blocks:
+Saguaro Cactus
+Saguaro Cactus Corner
+Saguaro Flower
+Flowering Leaves
-Reworked some biomes features to make them more unique
-Changed a few texture to make them easier on the eye!
-Fixed many bugs!
Alpha 0.0.1
-First Alpha, Extensive TODO list
Hey, really awesome, I too would like to create my own biomes, but I'm really struggling to get them to generate with desired features (Either underwater or too much height variance, wrong temperatures etc).
How did you control these features through Mcreator? Or did you custom code them?
Thanks for the reply, I got the API integration working, but not sure if I should just be finding out how to make the plugin instead.
I saw a tutorial for basic plugin but don't really have an idea on where to start after that for feature integration, or did you just use the API for using the example files in github (Also adding the library into mods folder for MCreator crashes me.. not sure why?)
First 1.19.2 snapshot available! LOTS of things have been completed/added as well as a total rewrite of the mod!