World Renderer 1.8.4 [Forge 1.19.2 / 1.19.4 / 1.20.1 / NeoForge 1.20.4 / 1.20.6 / 1.21.1]

Supported MCreator versions
Tags / plugin type
Global triggers
World Renderer
Upvotes: 120
About the plugin

This plugin allows you to render objects on the sky and world

Event triggers

World Renderer can render objects using event triggers and procedures.

  • "Compute FOV"
  • "Compute camera angles"
  • "Compute fog color"
  • "Compute light color"
  • "Render clouds"
  • "Render fog"
  • "Render overlays"
  • "Render shapes"
  • "Render sky"
  • "Render weather"
  • "Render world"
  • "Set weather particles and sounds"
  • "Set up dimensions"


How to use


Changes in V1.8.4

In v1.8.4, the vanilla sky, clouds, and weather are automatically removed on the event triggers. If you need to retain them, return false.




Added support for MCreator 2024.3

Added support for NeoForge 1.21.1

Stopped support for MCreator 2023.4

Some fixes and improvements

Fixed some bugs



You need to set a render target in order to render overlays

Changed the rendering system for shape overlays

Added the procedure "Set sky light color"

Added the procedure "Set block light color"

Removed the procedure "Multiply sky light color"

Removed the procedure "Multiply block light color"

Removed the procedure "Set light pixel"

Some fixes and improvements

Fixed some bugs



This plugin supports Forge 1.19.2 / 1.19.4 / 1.20.1 / NeoForge 1.20.4 / 1.20.6 / 1.21.1

This plugin supports MCreator 2024.x

Source code repository:

World Renderer -

Custom Sky Plugin -

MIT License

Plugin downloads
World Renderer 1.8.4 for MCreator 2024.x - Forge 1.19.2 / 1.19.4 / 1.20.1 / NeoForge 1.20.4 / 1.20.6 / 1.20.1 - Uploaded on: 11/21/2024 - 09:31   File size: 586.89 KB


Hi sumeshi, i was about to ask for a 2025.1 update, but i hope you are ok, its been 3 months since the last time you where online, let us know if you are ok mate! Have a nice day!

Can you publish this plugin on Forge or Modrinth please, I would appreciate it a lot. I am planning to publish my mod on forge so I need to have the pluging on forge or modrinth too. I will give you all the credit of course for your plugin if I use it. plz

The plugin is completely broken in versions after 2024.3. There is no way to render anything on the sky at all.

If done in the overworld, they're broken. If done in custom dimensions, it won't work at all, no matter what I do. I appreciate the plugin, but is there a possibility for you to fix this?

I'm not the only one. There are literally 50 people who have asked about it on Discord. It's really frustrating.

Hi, I found small bug that happens if I pick up item, for some reason shapes that are curently rendered glith into camre and then move back to their position and size

I have made a custom nether dimension. The fog stuff works, so i must have set it up correctly. However I want some of the biomes in my dimension to be have ambient light, while others dont have ambient light, how would i do that?

How can i add an UV with texture to the Sphere template? i did it but it is buggy

Any idea on when 2024.4-compatible update should be coming out? I kinda need this plugin for my mod, and so I've been unable to work on it very much, even with the buggy procedure making it unplayable.

Could you make this plugin for older versions of Mcreator?
I really need this for 1.19.4 Forge (2023.3 Mcreator)

I need World Renderer 2024.4 asap. i got to do this cool final boss effect that turns the sky into pure dark red sky for effects. I need it to be on 2024.4 otherwise my final boss becomes boring and outdated. please! 😢

Hello, I've been trying to use this plugin to render the end sky in a custom dimension, but NONE of the blocks seem to do anything. I'm using Mcreator 2024.1, and I've followed the instructions you uploaded about the setup for custom dimensions and the subsequent instructions for all topics, as well as tried the procedure template for the end sky, but absolutely nothing works. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?? Yes, I have tried returning everything as a logical true