Block variation balancing, new wood types
You know how all the stone variants aren't consistent? We fixed that. 👍 Added 11 new tree types, concreate/terracotta slabs, stairs, working on new dirts/sands colors. And much much more to come!
Tree Types
-Ceader, Ebony, Greenheart, Maple, Mahoe, Osage, Padauk, Rosewood, Purpleheart, Yellowheart, Lignum
Stone Variations
Each stone type will have a Gravel, Cobble, Smooth, Tile, Brick, Polished, Cracked, Pillar, Chiseled variation.
The following stones have been fixed. Quartz, Stone, Deepslate, Purpur, Sandstone, Redsandstone, Blacksandstone, Whitesandstone, Granite, Diorite, Blackstone, Andesite, Prismarine, and more!
Added A new Hammer tool which converts basic stone to lower levels such as cobble then gravel.
Added variations of Passive mobs such as the Cow, Pig, and Chicken.
this is cool