Gr33n's Technica

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Gr33n's Technica Is An Item Based Tech Mod

The Goal Is To Feel Closer to Vanilla And Older Tech Mods
While Still Being Unique


This Mod Adds Various Machines, Items, And An Enchantment (all Blocks Require a Redstone Pulse to do their task)


Energy Makers:
Steam Generator: uses Various Flammable Materials (Like Coal and planks) and Water From a source above it
To make Energy Items

Solar Panels: Slowly Produces Energy Items As long as it is day and can see the sky


Solar Panel RecipeSteam Generator Recipe




Energy Consumers:
The Grinder: Converts ores, Some Items, And Some Blocks Into Specific Ore Chunks or Gems

The Electric Furnace: used Energy Items to smelt

The Block Breaker: Breakes the Blocks in Infront of it

The Cobble Generator: Makes Cobble From Energy

The XP Extractor: Turns some Mob Drops Into Bottles Of EXP

The Tesla Coil: Uses A Stack Of Energy Items To Strick Lightning On Top of Its Self

The Matter Transporter: Teleports the player to the coordinates stored on the XYZ Itme That is inside the blocks Shift on top to activate 

Grinder RecipeElectric Furnace RecipeBlock Breaker RecipeCobble Generator RecipeXp Extractor RecipeTesla Coil RecipeMatter Transporter Recipe





Drill: Uses Energy From the player's inventory to Break Blocks Instead of durability (right click) doesn't currently have a Recipe WIP

XYZ: an item that stores the Cordanets of a matter transporter that It was shift right clicked on and used in another to set its destination 


Energized On Pick: uses energy from players' inventory to mine 3x3 of stone/rock uses 9x energy
Energized On Shovel: uses energy from players' inventory to mine 3x3 of dirt (not grass) and uses 9x energy
Energized On Axes: Little Finicky Breaks 5 blocks above the log broken with enchantment uses 1x energy
Energized On Bows: Shoots arrows without the need for arrows in the inventory uses 1x energy per arrow


Minecraft mod files
Gr33n's Technica V1.0.1 - 1.20.1 Forge.jar - 1.20!!! woo Uploaded on: 09/01/2023 - 00:00   File size: 406.32 KB
Gr33n's Technica V1.0.1 - 1.19.X.jar - V1.0.1 Bug Fixes Uploaded on: 05/12/2023 - 19:32   File size: 397.02 KB
Gr33n's Technica V1.0.0 - 1.19.X.jar - V1.0.0 buggy Uploaded on: 05/12/2023 - 02:09   File size: 369.58 KB


 -Added Energy Items
 -Added Steam Generator
 -Added Solar Panel
 -Added Grinder
 -Added Electric Furnace
 -Added Block Breaker
 -Added XP Extractor
 -Added Cobble Generator
 -Added TeslaCoil
 -Added Matter Transsporter

 -Added Energy
 -Added Drill
 -Added XYZ (used to store cordanate data for matter transporter)
 -Added Enchantment: Energized For Shovels,Axes,Picks,and Bows


 -Fixed Grinder
 -Fixed Some slots not locked properly for hopper interactions
 -Fixed Solar Panel Texture

 -Added Recipe For Drill Tool
 -Added Energized Enchantment now works on Swords