Upvotes: 2
Project status
MIT License
Modification type
Supported Minecraft versions
it is in in dev right now so enjoy this early prototype. Future content might include:
End biomes
New woodset
new mobs
Neutral trading end mob
Expansion for end, nether and overworld
more ores
new biomes
new bosses
More potions
creative mode items
New villager proffesions
Extra villages
Enhanced blocks, items and mobs
and more, so long friends and users, see ya when bigger version of expandi-craft comes in!
Minecraft mod files
Expandi-craft - Added 2 new mobs, 2 new armor sets, infested endstone and 2 chroses go to the composter
Uploaded on: 07/01/2023 - 12:57 File size: 171.83 KB
Expandi-craft indev1.3.jar - Added new boss "reaper", new nether biome and woodset, the Contaminated woods, 2 collumn blocks, scythes new paintings and more
Uploaded on: 07/04/2023 - 16:45 File size: 950.95 KB
Expandi-craft indev1.3_01.jar - New "guide" book and hotkey, fixed the robotic meat
Uploaded on: 07/04/2023 - 19:08 File size: 984.03 KB
Expandi-craft Alpha 1.4.jar - New meat, Curios api stuff added, shulker amulet (let's you fly), more achievements, chips, wrench, wooden dagger
Uploaded on: 07/05/2023 - 17:12 File size: 1.01 MB
NOTES: Those are the first versions of the mod so it will be small and there might be bugs and stupid missing textures in it. Versions after indev1.3_01 will require curios API. If you want to play the very old versions, go to the expandi-craft discord server, modrinth or curseforge page/s
Wow! Looks cool