SSL's all idea
"About SSL's all idea mod"
SSL's all idea mod is a mod will add bunch of thing in your world!
As of now, we require and support 1.19.4 version of Forge and Minecraft.
The support for fabric mode loader is not planned.(I'm so sorry...!)
"things this mod will add"
this mod will add bunch of things.
there is list.
-were wolf (creature)
-fisheal (creature)
-fire fly (creature)
-cat saler(creature)
-wolf soul(creature)
-eyeroute (creature)
-dog food(food...?)
-cooked mushroom & fried egg (food)
-rainbow apple tree (structure) & rainbow apple (food)
-soul bone(item)
-job open sign (block)
-decorative pots(block)
-color lantern(block)
-paint extentsion(misc)
- mod's own achivements(misc)
Q. Can I report questions, suggestions, and bugs in the comments?
A. As long as we respect each other, we are always welcome and grateful!
Instead, please avoid mentioning the mode in articles that are not related to the mode.
Q. Although it's our first time meeting, can we get the mode?
A. Of course, you can receive it, and the producer is happy if you do it!
Q. Can I redistribute the mode file to other sites, etc.?
A. I'm planning to upload files on the site.
but I don't want anyone to redistribute my file.(Crying)
However, it's natural to exchange files between individuals.
Q. When is the next update?
A. I will update freely:3
if you need more information,
or recent version of file,
please visit link blow