Cheesy's Junk and Trolls Mod

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This is my first mod but it has some silly and cool items. I plan on updating the mod soon with some more cool items. I suggest using the just enough items mod for recipes

V1 includes: 3 void foods, a new craft-able gem, and gem block, lapis wands, lapis glass, charged lapis, and its ore counterpart, prison cookies, blood pearls, bone fishes, and a new plant that drops a good weapon

V2 Includes: World Fragments, World Tools/Weapons, Iron rod, Compressed Blaze Rods, Cardboard Boxes for making swords (they are not Storage), Topaz Sword with a special power, new crafting items for the world fragment 

V3 Includes: New Construction Ore, Construction Ingot, Construction Light (Not working at the moment), Construction Sword,  Asphalt, Asphalt Sword, and Asphalt and Construction Apples

V4 Includes: Cosmic Ore, Cosmic Dust, Cosmic Block, Sky Apple, Space-time Fragment, Mysterious Avocado Tree (Not an actual tree, just a plant), A Secret drop from the plant (Go find out what it is!), Pocket Black Hole, and a powerful Secret Sword (go find out what it is!)

V5 Ideas: Another purpose for the Pocket Black Hole, cardboard pickaxe, a new shovel, etc

Minecraft mod files
CheesyJunk.jar Uploaded on: 01/04/2018 - 20:47   File size: 183 KB