Bone Meal Flower

Published by CptScoops on
Upvotes: 3
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Hey, I'm new to modding Minecraft. This is my first mod.

It adds a craftable seed, using 1 bonemeal.

when this seed is planted on grass it grows into a bone meal flower.

right-click on the flower and it will produce 1 bonemeal.

Give the mod a try, and give me some feedback on how I could improve it.

Minecraft mod files
BoneMealMod.jar Uploaded on: 12/28/2019 - 07:09   File size: 65.41 KB

Idea: produce random amount of bone meals (dint tested, idk if this actualy happens) like 1-5

I would suggest to make this flower randomly spawn in the world instead of making it craftable

Uh. What is the point of getting one bonemeal from another thing that is crafted with one bonemeal?
No offence but next time try to make a bigger mod with actual usable content.