Undwa Adventure [RECREATED] - Dawn of the Shadows

Published by UnderWaves on
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After a long week of work, I've been able to re-create a yet very incomplete version of my old mod, UnderWaves' Adventure, that I had to stop because I accidentally deleted my workspace. Yeah, call me dumb. Hopefully, that was almost a year ago, and now I know where is the backup folder located, so even if I delete everything I'll be able to recuperate it. But enough talking, let's start the description!

Undwa Adventure is a yet very small but growing adventure mod! The original idea featured only 1 dimension at the time I had to stop, but I think I'll do a tenth of them. The only limit will be the mod size for upload. Let's talk about the contents!


  • Cursed Steve : um, basically it's just a recolorized Steve. It has 20HP, 3 attack damage, is as fast as you, and has the mysterious habit of attacking to death his companions. Can spawn in any Umbrane biome. Drops include : Nemorium Crystal (1, 10% chance).
  • Young Darkling : this little ghost originates from the original mod, with a slight texture change. It's small, pacifist, has 12HP, and is often found in small groups. Can spawn in any Umbrane biome. Drops include : Nemorium Crystal (1, 25% chance), Dark Bloom Petal (1, 12.5% chance).
  • Exspiro : it's a new mob, whose name comes from the latin Exspiravit, meaning Ghost (a lot of names in the new mod will come from the Latin). It has 18HP, is a little faster than you, can drain 4HP per hit, and will blind you if you get too close. Can spawn in any Umbrane biome. Drops include : Tanzanite Gems (0-3, 50% chance), Caligium Crystal (1, 2.5% chance), Exspiro's Soul (1, 1% chance).


  • Umbrane Plains : it's a large, flat, purple meadow. Black-purplish tallgrass provide a slight light at night, and the rare Shadora Trees provide some shade and wood. You can also come across small flowers that you can pick up, or harvest with Shears to get petals. 
    • Darkstone can generate here, along with the three new Ores.
  • Umbrane Mountains : a rocky, hilly biome made out of Darkstone and also some regular Stone. No flowers, no trees, no pulsing tallgrass.
    • Darkstone can generate here, along with the three new Ores.
  • Umbrane Forest : globally like Umbrane Plains, but with lots of trees. Enjoy killing some Exspiros under the shade!
    • Darkstone can generate here, along with the three new Ores.


  • Darkstone : it's the purple corrupted stone that replaces approximately 40% of the underground Stone in Umbrane biomes. While regular Stone can generate vanilla ores like Coal, iron or Diamonds, Darkstone can generate its own Ores.
  • Tanzanite Ore : this pretty purple ore can be found in large veins, stuck in the Darkstone, at any height. It can be harvested with a Stone pickaxe, and yet doesn't have any uses apart from making Tenebro Blocks (explained in the next section).
  • Nemorium Ore : this ore, whose names comes from the Latin Nemorosum (Shady), can be found below layer 64, in the Darkstone. It can be used to craft a Sword, and also a Nemorium Case (explained below).
  • Caligium Ore : the name of this ore originates from the Latin Caliginosus (Foggy), and it will allow to do great things in the future. Yet the only really useful use is to make a sword stronger than Diamonds, and you'll need a Diamond pickaxe to extract it from its Darkstone bed. It can be encountered below layer 16, slightly more frequently than Diamonds but since Darkstone is slightly rare than regular Stone, the spawn rates are almost the same.


  • Tenebro Blocks : these blocks can be crafted with 4 Nemorium Gems, 4 Caligium Gems and a Tanzanite Block. It's useless yet, but it will be used later to create the Shadow Portal frame.
  • Exspiro's Soul : this item can be rarely dropped by Exspiros. useless yet, but it'll be used later for the Shadow Resonator.
  • Nemorium Case : the only really useful block yet. Coat a chest with 4 Nemorium Gems and you get a small container that can compress items! Once placed, it works like a chest, but has 36 storage slots instead of 27.


Stay informed for future changes!

Minecraft mod files
Undwa Adventure - Sunrise 1.0.jar - Undwa Adventure : Sunrise 1.0 - Welcome Back! Uploaded on: 12/27/2019 - 17:42   File size: 1.74 MB
  • Sunrise 1.0 : The first officially released version! Added Umbrane Plains, Umbrane Mountains and Umbrane Forest. Added Cursed Steve, Young Darkling and Exspiro mobs. Added Tanzanite, Nemorium and Caligium Ores. Added Nemorium and Caligium swords. Added Tenebro Blocks, Nemorium Cases and Exspiro's Soul.

I suggest you maybe add new dirt? because the deep purple on the dirt looks to bright

Yeah, Mineral Galore was designed to be as realistic as possible.
And this one won't be realistic, as you certainly guessed when seeing "Shadow Dimension"
But since the real ores aren't infinite i'll certainly add some fake stuff to Mineral Galore. Already working on an Unobtainium Ore