Six6Stars Item Compactor and Olympian Armors

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The focus of this mod is to take nuisance items that we tend to collect a lot of at times but don't really use much like dirt, and turn them into attractive new explosion proof blocks that can be used for building as well a few other Olympian Armors.

The Item Compactor

This mod introduces a red-stone powered Item Compactor that takes things like Dirt for example, and compacts it into a super hard new block that can withstand explosions similar to Obsidian. After which the other items become possible to make.

In the 1.14.4 version Leaves can be compacted into furnace fuel that will smelt like wood planks and netherrack into compressed netherrack. In the 1.12.2 version the crafting table is used for the leaves.

It takes 9 blocks of most items to make the compacted version. Finally the Compactor will take 9 coal blocks and compact them into a diamond.


The texture size of the main file is 64x64.

The textures in general were created to look like their vanilla parent block after compacting.

There is a second download for a 16x16 block texture size.

Added blocks

  • The Item Compactor

    • This block is the key to making all the other blocks.

  • Compacted Sand
    • (comes with a stair, wall, fence and slab block)
  • Compacted Dirt
    • (comes with a stair, wall, fence and slab block)
  • Compacted Cobblestone
    • (comes with a stair, wall, fence and slab block)
  • Compacted Gravel
    • (comes with a stair, wall, fence and slab block)
  • Compacted Glass block
    • (explosion proof AND comes with a stair, wall, fence and slab block)
  • Compacted End Stone
    • (comes with a stair, wall, fence and slab block)
  • Compacted Netherrack
    • (can be used as super furnace fuel to smelt 720 items AND comes with a stair block that will smelt 180 items.)

Olympian Armors

These armors give the wearer the ability to either swim indefinitely in (under) water using the Neptune Armor OR literally swim in lava and walk through fire using the Hades Armor.

There are several items needed to make these armors so a crafting guide is supplied in the pictures. Both armors are a bit expensive to make but are well worth the effort and resources for what they enable the wearer to do.

The Neptune Armor is made primarily from Compacted Glass and is transparent with a blue tint, although when placed on an armor rack it looks solid blue. Your player skin is visible when worn. In spite of being made from a form of "glass" this armor is actually tougher than Diamond Armor.

The Hades armor is made primarily from Compacted Netherrack and is also tougher than Diamond Armor.

1. The stair blocks that can be crafted from the new hard blocks are resistant to being destroyed by a single explosion BUT will be knocked out of place. A double explosion (TNT) will destroy them.
2. No hopper support at this time.


MCreator, GIMP & Notepad++

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Minecraft mod files
Six6Stars Item Compactor and Olympian Armors 1_15_2 v1.0.7-64x.jar - Six6Stars Item Compactor & Olympian Armors 1.15.2 (64x64) Uploaded on: 06/05/2020 - 00:47   File size: 1.14 MB
Six6Stars Item Compactor and Olympian Armors 1_14_4 v1.0.6-64x.jar - Six6Stars Item Compactor & Olympian Armors 1.14.4 (64x64) Uploaded on: 05/31/2020 - 15:01   File size: 1.09 MB
Six6Stars Item Compactor and Olympian Armors 1_14_4 v1.0.6-16x.jar - Six6Stars Item Compactor & Olympian Armors 1.14.4 (16x16) Uploaded on: 05/31/2020 - 15:01   File size: 931.27 KB
Six6Stars Item Compactor and Olympian Armors 1_12_2 v1.0.7-64x.jar - Six6Stars Item Compactor & Olympian Armors 1.12.2 (64x64) Uploaded on: 05/31/2020 - 15:01   File size: 1.07 MB


-added slabs, walls, fences

-added olympian armor

-changed the block textures from 128x128 to 64x64.

-added a 16x16 block texture version.

v1.0.7: 1.15.2 Had to adjust/change the Neptune Armor textures to work in 1.15.2