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This is a mod that I created simply for my own enjoyment but felt like uploading it anyway. However as it's a mod that I made originally for myself, support for said mod will be a little low.
This mod adds the following ores
Dark Steel
Titanium (However i mis-spelt it in the mod and don't know how to change it without redoing the entire thing)
And the following gemstones
Copper, Tin, Zinc and Aluminium are as strong as stone and requires you to mine it with a stone pickaxe or stronger. Its abundant however and all tools will last longer than stone ones.
Bronze, Cobalt, Chromium and Tungsten are all as strong as Iron and requires you to mine it with a stoone pickaxe or stronger. All tools will last longer than stone and iron ones.
Molydbenum, Vanadium and Dark Steel are all as strong as diamond and will be required to be mined with an iron pickaxe or stronger, all tools last longer than diamond.
Titanium is stronger than all other metals and must be mined by a diamond tool or something just as strong. Its extremely rare but each tool lasts for around 64000 uses.
this mod is for minecraft 1.14.4 as that's the version I'm using.
First off download minecraft forge version 28.2.16 for minecraft 1.14.4 and install it.
Then download this mod and place it in your minecraft mods folder.
Then play and enjoy.
Any feedback and suggestions will be appreciated. My apologies for any bugs or issues, this is my first mod. Enjoy :)
You can rename the element (Titanium) by selecting the element then clicking on the box with the ID and the pencil. You can rename the ID there. Hope this helps