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New Items

Metal stick

Strong Stone Brick


Ultanium armor

Ultanium tools

supa bars

logo block

supa station


Emerald dimension

Emerald Block Portal Frame ignite with the, "Ultanium Emerald Flame"

adds Supercharged emeralds and gear to go with it

Obsidian Dimension

Noobsidian frame ignite with the, "Obsidian Dimension Portal Igniter"

adds an easier way to find diamonds and all made out of obsidian

Diamond Dimension

all made out of fools diamond

Diamond Block Frame ignite with the, "Obsidian Dimension Portal Igniter"

Ore Dimension

Strong Stone Brick frame Ignite with the, "Diamond Torch"

adds 37 ores there is so many to keep track of

Redd Dimension

Redstone block frame ignite with the, "Redniter"

adds Stonered blocks, Rediron ore and Purplite ore used to craft tools and armor

New void dimension including glitch and void stone

2 new weapons rbg sword and void sword

the void dimension needs a whitlight and unstable bricks to buid and is the last dimension

Minecraft mod files
EmmTech2.0 (1.15)_1.jar Uploaded on: 07/19/2020 - 20:43   File size: 2.26 MB
Emmtech editable_1.zip Uploaded on: 07/19/2020 - 20:43   File size: 1.73 MB