Due to size of the mod, you will have to download it from my Google Drive. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ssPsxTPSF8adMJlfr8dqx6Y0TR65ihP2/view?…
Do you want to start an eye collection of your very own? Of course you do. A mod filled with surprising and spooky eyes Is just what you need!
This mod features:
-13 Ores
-53 Mobs
-Loads of blocks and items
-And a challenging dimension with many mini-bosses to fight!
Now tell me, can you collect the Eyes?
- 1.2.6
-Public Release.
- 1.2.7
+Added White Eye Chunk Planks and Pupil Chunk Planks!
+Made crafting recipes to make use of Eyewood
+Added Cookie Eye Spiders: Passive mobs that you can use to farm cookie eyes
+Added a rare [and deadly] rare drop for the Cookie Eye Spider.
~Removed spawning of Boomeyes as they are a WIP
- Removed Player248
- 1.3.0
+2 New Biomes for the Eye Dimension!
+The Eye Forest with new trees and a new rare eye mob!
+The Dark Eye Biome where Eye Terrors lurk around every corner!
- Removed Player248
- 1.3.1
+ Added Mutant Flesh Blocks and Ingots! [currently do nothing...]
+ Added a new mob: Rotting Eye! A passive mob that spawns only in the dark eye biome! However it has lost the ability to breed...
~ Changed the Eye Monster's Texture and added custom sounds for it, to make it seem more fitting!
~ Changed the Gold Eye Mob's Texture to look more like gold!
- Removed Player248
- 1.3.4
+Added More structures!
+A wierd, little trap temple!
+Underground veins of eyes and new eyestone!
+A rare Eye dungeon with loot and Eye terrors!
+A... art monument? with weird art and a interesting statue!
~Nerfed the rarity for the Gold Eye Mob and Rotting eye.
- Removed Player248
- 1.3.6
+2 New Eye Mobs!
+The passive, yet freaky, Eye Abomination that drops new eye meat and loads of XP! Also it only spawns in the dark eye biome!
+The passive Eye Conglomeration that drops new conglomeration piles! It only spawns in a new conglomeration house!
~Gave the art blocks custom models that allow you to hang them in Item Frames like Paintings!
- Removed Player248
- 1.4.0
+2 new structures!
+A collapsed building with loads of trash and new Eye Art!
+A weird Sponge Eye Castle with lots of loot and...
+ A new Eye Mob, Eye cubes with mesmerizing sounding cries... bit creepy.
+A (expensive) block that processes trash into helpful loot.
+2 secret eye ores... (Hint: you make them with preexisting ores...)
+A Eye Animatronic which you can trade Iron Nuggets for Grilled Eyes!
+Made beautiful new sounds for many Eye Mobs!
- 1.5.0 We Can See You update
+4 New and difficult mini bosses with great loot and interesting mechanics! [except for one that is passive]
+Kashulkin is powerful yet slow, defeat it and its babies!
+The Eye Tarantula is quick, and deadly, use your wits to kill it!
+Satatrixx, a atrocious fiend, uses the power of lightning to become an almost unstoppable force!
+Collossus, a gigantic passive boss with a thousand health!
+4 New Biomes!
+Eye Desert, a place where Eye Cacteye and Dry Eye flourish.
+Dry Eye Sand which can be made into Various types of sandstone
+Cacteye can be melted to be made into ink or blocks!
+Eye polish made from eye tears and melted cacteye.
+Blue Eye Biome, a place where very weird eye roam. Has giant blue eyes too!
+Freaky Blue Eyes are creatures with a interesting way of communication!
+Stalk Eye Biome is a better looking eye biome with rare eye mobs hanging around!
+Invisible Eye Mobs that sneak up on you to attack! Also they screech like monkeys.
+Braindead Biome with the oddly cute braindead eyes! With giant grey eyes!
+3 new mobs for this biome:
+Small Braindead eye mobs, cute little rascals!
+Large Braindead eye mobs that hide well with the giant eyes!
+Lucky Braindead eye that drops quite a bit of gold!
+3 new structures!
+Eye Maniac's house! He loves his oddly-named eye pets!
+Eye Freak's house, he seems a bit crazy over eye collecting...
+The Christmas house, a family ready for Christmas... to wake to an unpleasant surprise...
+Custom sound for Conglomeration Eyes!
+An Eye Fungus plant that spreads through the air until it dies!
-Redesigned the Eye Villager house, and art castle structures.
-Improved the loot on the Trash castle, and trash house.
-Redesigned cookie eye spiders to be dangerous!
-Improvements to looting mobs.
-Remade the eye terror's model and texture to be much better, and fixed it's bugged death sound
-Fixed Tear bottle crafting
- 1.6.0 Thanksgiving Update
+The Bloodshot Eye Biome that has a gory tone to it.
+5 new mobs!
+Magic Eye that flys and teleports around and... sounds oddly fimilar...
+The Eye Beast, a sheep-like eye monster that drops wool!
+Jaw Eye that is horrible and terrifying. Can be found only in the Bloodshot Eye Biome.
+The Ikkquid which is a weird squid-like pile of bloodshot eyes.
+Mau'lukshin a very rare eye mob that constantly teleports! Can be found only in the Bloodshot Eye Biome.
+The Thanksgiving House with a eye-hungry family of eye humanoids!
+More blocks and items.
~Fixed a lazyness-induced bug where you couldn't craft the Flint and Eye used to get to the dimension!
~Trash Eye Mobs are now hostile, so watch out!
~Redesigned the trash eye cane to be a very useful tool for clearing out trash!
~Nerfed Satatrixx.
+The Hollow Eye Mob that drops interesting food items and has echoing sounds!
+Costum sounds for Mauu'lukshin
~Bug and Behavior fixes
~Buffed Keshulkin by changing the way the eggsack works.
+2 new mobs that come out of the Eggsack!
+Keshulklings that are very cute yet still hostile
+Fleshy eyes that sit in one spot waiting for Keshulkin to eat it...
~Fixed buggy and laggy Satatrixx.
- 1.7.0 Christmas Update
+7 New Mobs!
+Gold Eye Terrors, A rare neutral mob with not much health. [WILL KILL YOU IN ONE HIT!]
+Gold Invisible Eyes, Hostile mobs that are more powerful than Invisible Eye Mobs!
+Hermit Eyes are passive eyes that love hanging around ruins!
+Swarm Eyes that drop loads of Bite-Sized Eyes!
+Ice Eye Mob that Chills out in the Cold Eye Biome!
+Red Hot Eye Mobs are neutral, but they love to kill Ice Eye Mobs!
+Eye Jumpers, passive mobs that... well... jump high!
+5 New Structures!
+Cozy House with a fireplace and hermit eyes!
+The Overgrown House which has been completely dismantled!
+Eye Pot with eye boiling away! Includes a interesting treasure...
+Anniversary House with all kinds of stuff to see!
+Trash Island a island floating in the sky with trash eyes guarding loot!
- 1.8.0 Trinket Update
+3 new structures!
+Gold Eye Island, a rare island in the sky with Gold Eye Thingys!
+The C'Illoth Raid home to one of the new mini bosses...
+Eye Worn Hives which are just awful...
+5 new mobs!
+The Trash Eye Assassin which stabs and strikes anyone who touches their trash!
+Eye Prophets whom can foretell a ancient prophesy about the land's past... (Also they are hostile and really don't like you...)
+Eye Ghosts which are very dangerous attackers that speed up when hit! Also... are they the ghost of an eye, or of a person?
+Eye Worms are very gluttonous for eyes to eat... they might want to eat you too!
+Eye Worm Queens are only found in the hives. They are much more powerful than normal Eye Worms!
+2 new mini bosses!
+C'Illoth The Blessed who as a boatload of health. He can shoot stars at his enemies and heal himself!
+Conglomaristacrats which have a powerful bite and can vomit toxic barf when hit!
+Trinkets which give the player many buffs when in their inventory!
~Edited the sponge eye castle by adding more loot and rooms!
~Changed the way mini bosses spawn. Now they spawn more frequently and they no longer despawn!
- 1.9.0 Opticular Feasts
+Added 4 Crafting-Style blocks!
+The Eye Pot will make you giggle with delight!
+Sunbaking Table allows you to sunbake eyes! Not as healthy, but it saves coal!
+Breading Table allows you to bread eyes which you can fry with the Eye Frier!
+Eye Frier allows you to well... Fry eyes... Very Nutritious!
+Eye Wheat which can be used to make Eye Bread or Breading Flour! (Can be planted too!)
+New Mob! Veyerus which spreads and multiplys quickly, it's quite a pandemic!
~fixed Invisible Eye Mob and Mau'lukshin spawning
~Now that this mod can be as big as I want it too, the Eye Jukebox is fixed!
- 1.9.5
+The New Mythic Eye, a bizzare eye that's healthier eating it raw than eating it cooked!
+The Mythic Eye comes with a Mob and Overworld Ore.
+Mythic Eye Mob that spawns in swarms an is a very tricky mob to kill!
+1 New Mini-boss!
+The Solitudinarian in his New Raid! When fighting him, be sure to listen for his dangerous gas attack!
+New Structure, Solitudinarian Labrinth! A complex labrinth made of old ruins and houses. Find Solitudinarian and kill him!
+Added Hyper-realistic Eye that's made up of the eye spectrum and two emeralds, quite a powerful eye to eat!
+Added a Alter to C'shan! A block where you can make sacrifices to C'shan and he can slowly fix your tools! Don't displease him...
+More Achievements
~Flint and Eye can now be used to upgrade the Multipleye Blocks, a much less tedious way to get to the Eye Dimension!
~Buffed C'Illoth's Raid, you can find the Alter to C'shan inside! Be ready for more Eyes!
~Fixed the Sunbaking Tables buggy GUI
- 1.10.1 Diabolical Update
+3 New Eye Items!
+Boom Eye Items which are a explosive snack!
+Magic Eye Items which make you uncontrollably levitate! When grilled can give you a random potion effect!
+Red Hot Eyes which are already cooked! Can be used as fuel or to make Hyper-Realistic eyes!
+3 New Structures!
+Mysterious Stairs standing or floating in the middle of nowhere! [A very subtle reference to the Search and Rescue Creepypasta]
+New Satatrixx Raid! Can you uncover the secrets of Satatrixx?
+They don't want you to know about the Dispose Site Structure...
+8 New Mobs!
+Boom Eye Mobs which fly away and drop bombs during combat!
+C'shede'Arken, a flying mob surveying the landscapes and skies!
+Terxixx'xeter which hovers around. They love slamming into you!
+The Converted... are powerful mobs in the satatrixx raid!
+They don't want you to know about the Failed Conversion.
+Sponge Eye Mobs are... extinct? The Sponge Eye Castle might hold answers...
+Hollulixer a very scary mob that can grab and attack you, so don't get too close!
+Kerrip'Chede is a... unique mob that can attack you through the wall!
+Loads of Things and Improvements!
~Satatrixx no longer spawns in the wild.
- 1.11.0 Halloween Update!
+3 New Structures!
+A Start Island, Only one of these islands spawns for you to explore!
+Halloween House with cheap decorations and another trapped family.
+Satellite Array which is interesting... and also a good place to find iron!
+2 New Mobs!
+New Mini-boss, Hungrixx, who isn't damaged by anything?! How do you kill it!?
+Hunglings which break off Hungrixx to attack you!
~Eyelotha's Dimension ID is now 666 from 3.
~Many more Improvements
- 1.11.5 Second Anniversary Update!
+The Second Anniversary House Structure with new blocks and mobs inside!
+3 New Mobs!
+The Crazy Eye Car is a cluster of eyes morphed into a car-like monstrosity! It mostly speaks for itself...
+Ceilinlgolix'Hangrashal is based on a... childhood fear of mine...
+Morphalix'Fhuter wants to replace you! It will take your shape and copy what you're holding, then it will kill you!
~Fixed the jumpy Hungrixx bug.
Happy Holidays!
1.13.0 Unanswered Prayers
~Yeah, it's been a while... I've adjusted this mod in so many little ways, that I couldn't keep track of changes. Just think of it as some cool suprises!
~I really can't believe that this mod is 4 years old...
I wish I could help you, but I use a older version of Mcreator that doesn't have loot tables... I just saved that house as a structure with the Structure Block and it always has the same loot. You could save a structure and it can spawn with written books, but if you wanted to use a loot table I don't know a lot about how that works, so sorry I can't help you...