Light and Dark

Published by shadow on
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This Mod adds 2 new dimensions. The Light dimension and the dark Dimension. These dimensions have new mobs in them with different foods, tools, armor and structures aswell. Even the end has a new structure and new set of armor.


If anyone has any idea what I should add next, please comment and I'll see what I can do, in the meentime how is the mod so far?

Minecraft mod files
LightandDark 1.0.8.jar - ADDED: Eclipse Dimension Uploaded on: 10/10/2020 - 04:59   File size: 2.54 MB
LightandDark 1.0.9.jar - added: 1:Better texture for dragon armor. 2:CepterOfDeception. 3:DualBlaster Uploaded on: 10/11/2020 - 18:25   File size: 2.57 MB
LightandDark 1.1.0.jar - added: 1:Magma armor. 2:Aqua armor. 3:Ultimate armor. 4: Ultimate tools Uploaded on: 10/15/2020 - 00:07   File size: 2.68 MB

This Mod adds 2 new dimensions. The Light dimension and the dark Dimension. These dimensions have new mobs in them with different foods, tools, armor and structures aswell. Even the end has a new structure and new set of armor.


If anyone has any idea what I should add next, please comment and I'll see what I can do, in the meentime how is the mod so far?

Wich items are u refering too. Some can only be used in the crafting table. The staffs shoot projectiles and some of them give u effects(for example the nether staff gives u fire resistance) 3 of them can be used to summon the bosses and there are also new armos and tools. I'll put a better picture of the boss later

I've updated the dragon armor to be cooler instead of it looking like endstone. It will be in the next update (1.0.9).