Do you want some adventures?Give it with my mod-MinerRPGCraft 2!
Added in this update and changed:
Added New dimesion- Zostarum!
Added new boss-Veadim
Added some blocks
Was detect bug with texture of Mystical Pumpkin.Will be fixed in next update.
Author of mod-igor2
I want to say special thanks to Yusanis2014 for moral supporting!
In next update will be added:
More dimesions,mobs,food,items,tools,resources,achievments,blocks.
Block Shops and Coins!
Super Weapons
Added some mobs from first part of MinerRPGCraft 1 !
If you have some ideas,please,post they in comments, BUT WARNING-All ideas can't be added.I will select every idea but I can remake it.Final version of this mod-1.5.1.Then will be 3rd part of MinerRPGCraft.It will be final part of cycle "MinerRPGCraft".
Thank you!
The new update is coming