
Published by menel on
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Coronavirus mod guys:This mod for some reason have cool pack and awesome mobs.

Let me introduce this mod:


Coronavirus:1000 health and it spawn coronavirus minions around if doctor or you hit it with antivirussyringe just press right click to throw potion.

Doctor:He kill coronavirus,omicron.omicron2 and monkeypox with syringe. Doctor has 10 health

Omicron:New virus and phase 2 boss that has 1000 health and it spawns omicronminions.

Omicron2:Phase 3 boss with 1000 health and it spawns omicron2minions

Monkeypox: The last phase virus boss with 1000 health and it spawns monkeypoxminions

Minecraft mod files
CoronavirusMod+Stuff-1.18.2.jar - Corona! Uploaded on: 06/14/2022 - 20:24   File size: 113.2 KB

covid21 is coming.Tomorrow i will update my mod

syringe cill coronavirus and the armor it's just a detail

Idk if you speak English or not but this explanation is really, really bad. I don’t even know what all these things do.