the machine with the bottles
Upvotes: 3
Project status
In development
Project members
Modification type
Supported Minecraft versions
You know call of duty black ops zombies' perks? there they are! I've only done 1 perk (jugger-nog), but more will come in the future!
items in the mod
-jugger-nog machine
-jugger-nog cola
-empty cola
special features:
-plays a part of the jingle when buying the cola
-cola gives 6 more hearths until you die
-melt rotten flesh to get coins (it was my way of making zombies drop money and making rotten flesh useful)
-the empty bottle will be useful in future updates (it may be glitchy for now)
Minecraft mod files
Perks ver1.4.2.jar
Uploaded on: 05/28/2020 - 04:25 File size: 432.08 KB
ver 1.4.2
Cool I wish people made more of this kinds of mode