Upvotes: 1
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Supported Minecraft versions
What does ABBF even do?
Rotten flesh can be cooked to leather
Eye of ender can be crafted down to ender pearls
Boats can be converted into their wood type
Walls can be crafted down to their original blocks
Stairs can be crafted down to their original blocks
Buckets can be converted to iron
Torches can be converted to coal
Item frames can be converted to leather
Sticks can be converted to wood
Saddles can be converted to leather
Modification files - Version 1
Uploaded on: 03/31/2021 - 07:30 File size: 45.87 KB
Version 1.0 (Release)
- Rotten flesh can be cooked to leather
- Eye of ender can be crafted down to ender pearls
- Boats can be converted into their wood type
- Walls can be crafted down to their original blocks
- Stairs can be crafted down to their original blocks
- Buckets can be converted to iron
- Torches can be converted to coal
- Item frames can be converted to leather
- Sticks can be converted to wood
- Saddles can be converted to leather
yeah, but duplication craft. 1 stick and 1 coal = 4 torch, 1 torch = 1 coal, witch mean, 1 coal = 4 coal