Mels Portable Beacons

Published by melanon68 on
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Mels Portable Beacons

Built in Sept 2021, for Minecraft 1.16.5, Forge, with the help of MCreator.

All of the usual beacon effects, plus a few more utilities. Hopefully balanced and not OP.
Built for a nomads life, just keep a hollow beacon in your inventory and slot the effects in.
My first mod. Unlikely to be updated. Anyone can use and take ideas from this.
Also, no particles. Enjoy

Effect List:

Speed 2
Haste 2
Jumpboost 2
Strength 2
Resistance 2
Night Vision
Fire Resist
Conduit Power
Fall Immunity

Crafting Recipes

Hollow Beacon

Glass, Glass, Glass
Glass, Chest, Glass
Obsidian, Obsidian, Obsidian


Basic Module

IronBlock, IronBlock, IronBlock
IronBlock, Beacon, IronBlock
IronBlock, IronBlock, IronBlock


Speed 1

Sugar, Sugar, Sugar
Sugar, Module, Sugar
Sugar, Sugar, Sugar


Speed 2

GoldBlock, GoldBlock, GoldBlock
GoldBlock, Speed1, GoldBlock
GoldBlock, Sugar, GoldBlock


Haste 1

RedstoneBlock, DiamondPick, RedstoneBlock
DiamondPick, Module, DiamondPick
RedstoneBlock, DiamondPick, RedstoneBlock


Haste 2

GoldBlock, GoldBlock, GoldBlock
GoldBlock, Haste1, GoldBlock
GoldBlock, NetheritePick, GoldBlock


Jump 1

Feather, RabbitFoot, Feather
RabbitFoot, Module, RabbitFoot
Feather, RabbitFoot, Feather


Jump 2

GoldBlock, GoldBlock, GoldBlock
GoldBlock, Jump1, GoldBlock
GoldBlock, RabbitFoot, GoldBlock


Strength 1

Steak, DiaSword, Steak
DiaSword, Module, DiaSword
Steak, DiaSword, Steak


Strength 2

GoldBlock, GoldBlock, GoldBlock
GoldBlock, Strength1, GoldBlock
GoldBlock, NetheriteSword, GoldBlock


Resistance 1

Shield, DiaHelm, Shield
DiaBoots, Module, DiaChest
Shield, DiaLeggings, Shield


Resistance 2

GoldBlock, GoldBlock, GoldBlock
GoldBlock, Resistance1, GoldBlock
GoldBlock, NetheriteChest, GoldBlock



GhastTear, DiamondBlock, GhastTear
DiamondBlock, Module, DiamondBlock
GhastTear, DiamondBlock, GhastTear



GoldCarrot, GoldBlock, GoldCarrot
GoldBlock, Module, GoldBlock
GoldCarrot, GoldBlock, GoldCarrot


Fire Resist

BlazeRod, MagmaBlock, BlazeRod
MagmaBlock, Module, MagmaBlock
BlazeRod, MagmaBlock, BlazeRod


Conduit Power

Prismarine, SeaLantern, Prismarine
SeaLantern, Module, SeaLantern
Prismarine, Conduit, Prismarine


Fall Immunity

PhantomMembrane, SlimeBlock, PhantomMembrane
SlimeBlock, Module, SlimeBlock
PhantomMembrane, SlimeBlock, PhantomMembrane

Minecraft mod files
MelsPortableBeacons-1.16.5-1.41.jar Uploaded on: 09/29/2021 - 22:43   File size: 168.38 KB

1.41 - Fixed dupe bug when shuffling HBs by closing gui on HB removal

this mod is nice, you should think of implementing a custom slot in players inventory with curios api :)

this mod is unbalanced. Not a bad idea, but not a very good implementation. We need work on crafting and textures.

Which of these feels balanced? Or still not enough?
Option 1 - 32 Iron Blocks per Module: Beacon + 8 IB = precursor T1, + 8 IB = precursor T2, + 8 IB = precursor T3, + 8 IB = Basic Module.
Option 2 - Overhaul: Beacon + 8 IronBlock = precursor T1, + 8 GoldBlock = precursor T2, + 8 DiamondBlock = Basic Module. Replace Gold Blocks with NetheriteIngots in tier 2 recipes. Make Regen require NetheriteBlocks instead of Diamond.
I would like to avoid things like 9 Iron Block = Compressed Iron Block, due to potential recipe conflicts.

Another thing about balance is it can really depend on what other mods you're using. I built this for my own vanilla - ish pack: end remastered, a few dungeon mods, and pretty biomes. With heavy automation and quarries this mod becomes very quick since resources are overflowing.

As for the textures I kinda like them as they are. They have a coherent style, so you can hopefully tell they are from the same mod. And I feel that they give enough info so you know which buff you're looking at without having to mouseover them.