Funny Apples

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I've been wanting to remake most of this mod for a long time, but since I stopped making mods in MCreator and forgot how to use it, I'm unlikely to finalize it sometime. I'm just writing this so that you know that the mod is still unfinished.

This mod adds 20 apples, 2 structures, 1 mob and some blocks. Some apples just grants effects, others do something unusual. It is recommended to install the JEI mod to view all the recipes.

Getting started:

First of all, you need to find a rainbow tree, it will spawn in all variants of plains, forests and birch forests. By breaking their rainbow leaves, with some chance you can get a rainbow apple, apple of xp or rotten apple. Rainbow apple is used to craft apples with positive effects, apple of xp for apples with neutral effects, rotten apple for apples with unusual abilities.

Info about the apples:

Rainbow Apple

-Saturation II (0:45)


Apple of Xp

-Luck II (5:00)

-Can be crafted into 3 experience bottles


Rotten Apple

-Nausea (0:10)

-Hunger II (0:10)

-Poison (0:10)


Apple of Speed

-Speed II (3:00)


Apple of Haste

-Haste II (3:00)


Apple of Strength

-Strength II (3:00)


Apple of Jump Boost

-Jump Boost II (3:00)


Apple of Regeneration

-Regeneration II (0:45)


Apple of Resistance

-Resistance II (3:00)


Apple of Fire Resistance

-Fire Resistance (16:00)


Apple of Water Breathing

-Water Breathing (16:00)


Apple of Invisibility

-Invisibility (16:00)


Apple of Night Vision

-Night Vision (16:00)


Apple of Absorption

-Absorption II (3:00)


Apple of Slow Falling

-Slow Falling (8:00)


Apple of Glowing

-Glowing (16:00)


Apple of Levitation

-Levitation II (0:45)


Creative Apple

-Haste X (10:00)

-Strength X (10:00)

-Regeneration X(10:00)

-Resistance X (10:00)

-Fire Resistance (10:00)

-Water Breathing (10:00)

-Absorption X (10:00)

-Saturation X (10:00)


Apple of Wither

-Converts grass blocks to wither grass within a 3x3 area


Explosive Apple

-If you eat it, there will be an explosion, but you will not get damage from it


Something may be written illiterate since I translated with the help of a translator and a bit from myself.

Minecraft mod files
FunnyApples-1.16.5-1.6.0.jar - Global mod rework Uploaded on: 07/31/2021 - 11:41   File size: 270.57 KB
Funny Apples-1.15.2-1.5.0.jar Uploaded on: 02/07/2021 - 14:19   File size: 2.19 MB
Funny Apples-1.14.4-1.5.0.jar Uploaded on: 02/07/2021 - 14:35   File size: 2.19 MB

Funny Apples 1.6.0


  • Added:

          -Apple of glowing

          -Apple of slow falling

          -Apple of xp is now edible

          -Apple of xp now grants luck II for 5:00 when eaten

          -Creative apple now also grants haste X for 10:00

          -Added a recipe for stripped rainbow wood

          -Added log rotation for rainbow wood and stripped rainbow wood

          -Added a description for all the apples and wither grass

          -Added rainbow wood fence gate to the "minecraft:fence_gates" block tag

          -Added glint effect for creative apple

  • Removed:

          -Rainbow apple is now uncraftable

          -Oak leaves and dark oak leaves no longer drop rotten apple

          -Plants can no longer be placed and grow on wither grass

          -Removed some unused png files

          -Removed rainbow wood slab from "minecraft:slabs" block and item tags

          -Removed rainbow wood stairs from "minecraft:stairs" block and item tags

          -Apple of water breathing no longer has a glowing effect

          -Removed the colored tooltips of all the apples except rainbow apple, creative apple and apple of xp

  • Changes:

          -Changed the recipes for all the apples that had it

          -Now all apple recipes give 3 apples instead of 2

          -All apple recipes are now shapeless

          -Rainbow leaves now only drop rainbow apple, rotten apple and apple of xp

          -Greatly increased the drop rate of rainbow apple, rotten apple and apple of xp from rainbow leaves

          -Live apple now only drop vanilla apple

          -Wither grass will now drop dirt when broken without a silk touch

          -Increased the spawn rate of rainbow tree and large rainbow tree

          -Reduced the spawn rate of live apple again

          -Changed the hardness and blast resistance of the following blocks to be similar to their vanilla blocks: rainbow leaves, rainbow log, rainbow wood, stripped rainbow log, stripped rainbow wood, rainbow wood planks, rainbow wood slab, rainbow wood stairs, rainbow wood fence, rainbow wood fence gate, rainbow wood trapdoor and rainbow wood door

          -Reduced the hardness and blast resistance of wither grass to values slightly lower than vanilla grass block

          -Slightly changed the flammability and fire spreading speed of rainbow leaves to be similar to vanilla leaves

          -Slightly changed the fire spreading speed of rainbow log, rainbow wood, stripped rainbow log and stripped rainbow wood to be similar to their vanilla blocks

          -Changed the light opacity of rainbow leaves to be similar to vanilla leaves (although visually, most likely nothing has changed)

          -Changed the eating speed for almost all the apples, now it is the same as most vanilla food

          -Eating explosive apple now takes more time

          -All the apples that can be eaten except creative apple and rotten apple now restore 4 hunger points

          -All the apples that can be eaten except creative apple and rotten apple, now restore as many saturation points as a golden apple

          -Rotten apple now restore as many saturation points as a poisonous potato

          -Apple of speed now grants speed II for 3:00 instead of speed III for 2:00

          -Apple of haste now grants haste II for 3:00 instead of haste V for 2:00

          -Apple of strength now grants strength II for 3:00 instead of strength II for 3:30

          -Apple of jump boost now grants jump boost II for 3:00 instead of jump boost III for 3:00

          -Apple of regeneration now grants regeneration II for 0:45 instead of 1:00

          -Apple of resistance now grants resistance II for 3:00 instead of resistance III for 1:30

          -Apple of fire resistance now grants fire resistance for 16:00 instead of 4:00

          -Apple of water breathing now grants water breathing for 16:00 instead of 4:00

          -Apple of invisibility now grants invisibility for 16:00 instead of 4:00

          -Apple of night vision now grants night vision for 16:00 instead of 4:00

          -Apple of absorption now grants absorption II for 3:00 instead of absorption X for 1:30

          -Rainbow apple now grants saturation II for 0:45 instead of saturation for 3:00

          -Apple of levitation now grants levitation II for 0:45 instead of levitation for 0:30

          -Rotten apple now grants poison for 0:10 instead of 0:12

          -Reduced the explosion power of explosive apple now it is the same as that of creeper

          -Reduced the running speed of live apple when it is attacked

          -Changed the description for rainbow apple, creative apple and wither apple

          -Changed the textures for all the apples except rainbow apple

          -Slightly changed the texture for wither grass

          -Slightly changed the texture for live apple

          -Changed the location of some apples in the creative tab

          -And a bunch of other minor changes and improvements

Funny Apples 1.5.0



  -New block: Stripped rainbow log

  -New block: Rainbow wood

  -New block: Stripped rainbow wood

  -New crafting recipe: Apple of xp + 3 glass bottles = 3 experience bottles 

  -Other: Rainbow leaves can now drop the same apples as the ripe apples block, but with a small chance

  -Other: Rainbow wood trapdoor is now linked to the "minecraft:wooden_trapdoors" tag with the "blocks" type


  -Block: Ripe apples (removed due to the fact that now almost all apples are dropped from rainbow leaves)

  -Block: Unripe apples (removed due to the fact that now almost all apples are dropped from rainbow leaves)

  -Item: Fertilizer for apples (removed due to the fact that now almost all apples are dropped from rainbow leaves)

  -Item: Live apple (removed due to the fact that it was almost no different from the usual spawn egg)

  -Other: Apple of xp no longer grants 25 xp when eaten


  -Fixed a bug with impossible crafting of apple of regeneration


  -The eating speed has been increased to 32 (like most vanilla food) for the following apples: apple of invisibility, apple of jump boost, rainbow apple, explosive apple, apple of strength, apple of resistance, apple of water breathing, apple of night vision, apple of regeneration

  -Apple of invisibility now grants invisibility for 4 minutes instead of 3

  -Apple of water breathing now grants water breathing for 4 minutes instead of 3 minutes 30 seconds

  -Apple of jump boost now grants jump boost III instead of II

  -Apple of xp is now an item, not a food, which means it can no longer be eaten

  -The live apple now spawns much less often

  -The live apple can now only spawn in all variants of plains, forest and birch forest

  -Some blocks in the structures of the rainbow tree and large rainbow tree have been replaced with others

  -Spawn probability of the rainbow tree structure reduced from 1600 to 1400, which means it will become slightly rarer

  -Spawn probability of the large rainbow tree structure reduced from 1000 to 700, which means it will become slightly rarer

  -And other minor changes 

Known issues:

  -In version 1.14.4, when stripping the rainbow log and rainbow wood, there is no animation of an axe swing (it is not yet clear how to solve)

Funny Apples 1.4.0



  -Rainbow leaves can drop 1-2 sticks

  -Rainbow leaves, ripe apples, and unripe apples now have transparent parts of the texture

  -Rainbow leaves are finally decaying!


  -Structures such as the rainbow tree and the large rainbow tree can no longer be obtained in all swamp variants (and yes, when they could still be obtained there, I forgot     to write about it on the mod page)

  -4 variants of the rainbow tree (there was a reason for that)

  -Crafting recipe fertilizer for apples using leaves

  -Jungle leaves no longer drop rotten apple

  -2 useless tags of rainbow wood planks and rainbow wood slab


  -Oak leaves, dark oak leaves, and jungle leaves were impossible to get when broken with shears

  -Apple of wither no longer spawn wither grass under you

  -Structures such as the rainbow tree and the large rainbow tree don't destroy blocks when they spawn in the overworld


  -Crafting recipe for fertilizer for apples (became more difficult)

  -When you craft fertilizer for apples you will get it 3 instead of 4

  -Chance of ripening unripe apples when using fertilizer for apples reduced from 60% to 50%

  -Apple of wither is now an item, not a food (It can't be eaten anymore)

  -Now the wither grass is visible to AI mobs like lava

  -The structure of the rainbow tree and the large rainbow tree has been slightly changed

  -A live apple can drop an apple (vanilla apple) 2.5 times more often

  -Fertilizer for apples, live apple, and apple of wither are no longer removed from your inventory when you right-click them while in creative mode

  -The texture of the apple of invisibility has been slightly changed

  -Hardness of rainbow leaves was reduced from 0.5 to 0.2 (it was like vanilla leaves)

  -Hardness of ripe apples was reduced from 0.6 to 0.3

  -Hardness of unripe apples was reduced from 0.6 to 0.3

  -And other minor changes

Funny Apples 1.3.1



  -Any leaves from other mods can be used to crafting fertilizer for apples (including rainbow leaves)

  -Rainbow leaves, rainbow log, rainbow wood planks, rainbow wood slab, rainbow wood stairs, rainbow wood fence, rainbow wood fence gate, rainbow wood trapdoor,           and rainbow wood door can now be used for recipes in other mods

  -Added description for the creative apple


  -Crafting recipe an oak beehive using rainbow wood planks


  -Now that you have broken a ripe apples, they will transform into rainbow leaves instead of unripe apples as before

  -Edited description of the live apple

Funny Apples 1.3.0



  -Instead of leaves in crafting fertilizer for apples, you can now use poisonous potato or rotten apple, and you will get 4 fertilizers instead of 2

  -Now you can get rainbow leaves with shears

  -Rainbow log, rainbow planks, rainbow slab, rainbow stairs, rainbow door, and rainbow trapdoor can now be used as fuel for the furnace

  -Rainbow planks can be used to crafting a sticks

  -Rainbow planks can be used to crafting a bowl

  -Rainbow planks can be used to crafting a shield

  -Rainbow planks can be used to crafting a wooden pickaxe

  -Rainbow planks can be used to crafting a wooden axe

  -Rainbow planks can be used to crafting a wooden shovel

  -Rainbow planks can be used to crafting a wooden hoe

  -Rainbow planks can be used to crafting a wooden sword

  -Rainbow planks can be used to crafting a crafting table

  -Rainbow planks can be used to crafting a chest

  -Rainbow planks and rainbow slab can be used to crafting a barrel

  -Rainbow planks can be used to crafting a beds all colors

  -Rainbow planks can be used to crafting a piston

  -Rainbow planks can be used to crafting a bookshelf

  -Rainbow planks can be used to crafting a beehive (only for 1.15.2)

  -Rainbow planks can be used to crafting a note block

  -Rainbow planks can be used to crafting a jukebox

  -Rainbow planks can be used to crafting a loom

  -Rainbow planks can be used to crafting a grindstone

  -Rainbow planks can be used to crafting a cartography table

  -Rainbow planks can be used to crafting a fletching table

  -Rainbow planks can be used to crafting a smithing table

  -Rainbow planks can be used to crafting a tripwire hook



  -Spawn probability of rainbow tree structure reduced by almost a quarter (from 2000 to 1600)

  -Changed IDs for all crafting recipes


Changes related to the following apples:

○Apple of resistance:

  -Now grants you a level 3 resistance instead of 2


○Apple of haste:

  -To craft it, you now need 2 sugars instead of 2 honey bottles (only for 1.14.4)

  -Now grants you a level 5 haste instead of 4 (only for 1.15.2)


○Apple of strength:

  -Changed the crafting recipe


○Apple of wither:

  -Slightly edited description

Changes related to the following blocks:

○Rainbow log:

  -The animation of texture was removed

  -Changed the texture

  -A little bit increased flammability

○Rainbow planks:

  -Renamed the rainbow wood planks

  -Became a flammable block

○Rainbow slab:

  -Renamed the rainbow wood slab

  -Became a flammable block

○Rainbow stairs:

  -Renamed the rainbow wood stairs

  -Became a flammable block

○Rainbow fence:

  -Renamed the rainbow wood fence

  -Became a flammable block

○Rainbow fence gate:

  -Renamed the rainbow wood fence gate

  -Became a flammable block

○Rainbow trapdoor:

  -Renamed the rainbow wood trapdoor

  -Became a flammable block

○Rainbow door:

  -Renamed the rainbow wood door

  -Became a flammable block

○Rainbow leaves:

  -The animation of texture was removed

  -Highly increased flammability

○Ripe apples:

  -The animation of texture was removed

  -Highly increased flammability

○Unripe apples:

  -The animation of texture was removed

  -Highly increased flammability

Funny Apples 1.2.1



  -New structure: Large rainbow tree (it is found twice as rare as the rainbow tree)


  -Slightly rebuilt all types of rainbow tree structure

Funny Apples 1.2.0


  • Added:


               ○Rainbow planks

               -Hardness 2

               -Resistance to explosions 15

               -There is a crafting recipe
               ○Rainbow slab

               -Hardness 1,5

               -Resistance to explosions 15

               -There is a crafting recipe
               ○Rainbow stairs

               -Hardness 2

               -Resistance to explosions 15

               -There is a crafting recipe
               ○Rainbow fence

               -Hardness 1,5

               -Resistance to explosions 15

               -There is a crafting recipe
               ○Rainbow fence gate

               -Hardness 1,5

               -Resistance to explosions 15

               -There is a crafting recipe
               ○Rainbow trapdoor

               -Hardness 1,5

               -Resistance to explosions 15

               -There is a crafting recipe
               ○Rainbow door

               -Hardness 3

               -Resistance to explosions 15

               -There is a crafting recipe               



               ○Apple of xp

               -Can only drop from a live apple and ripe apples

               -If you eat it, you will get 25 xp

               -No crafting recipe             


  • Changes:

               ○Added the condition that the rainbow tree will spawn only on the grass block

               ○Some blocks have had their light transmittance changed


Changes related to the following blocks:

               ○Rainbow log

               -Changed the animation of the texture
               ○Rainbow leaves

               -Changed the animation of the texture
               ○Rainbow leaves with ripe apples

               -Now almost all apples drop out a little less often

               -Renamed from rainbow leaves with ripe apples to just ripe apples

               -Changed the animation of the texture
               ○Rainbow leaves with unripe apples

               -Renamed from rainbow leaves with unripe apples to just unripe apples

               -Changed the animation of the texture

Funny Apples 1.1.0


  • Added:


              ○New structure "Rainbow Tree" (It has 5 different variations)


              ○New item "Fertilizer for Apples"

              -If you right-click on unripe apples with a 60% chance,they will ripen

              -There is a crafting recipe

              ○New block "Rainbow Log"

              -Hardness 1,6

              -Resistance to explosions 10

              -No crafting recipe

              ○New block "Rainbow leaves"

              -Hardness 0,5

              -Resistance to explosions 1

              -No crafting recipe

              ○New block "Rainbow leaves with ripe apples"

              -Hardness 0,6

              -Resistance to explosions 1

              -No crafting recipe

              -Drops any apples except creative apple and live apple

              ○New block "Rainbow leaves with unripe apples"

              -Hardness 0,6

              -Resistance to explosions 1

              -No crafting recipe


  • Changes:

              -Crafting 2 apples of strength instead of 1

              -Changed the crafting recipe the apple of invisibility

Nice mod! Kinda nostalgic because it's kinda like a mod you'd expect to see in the days of 1.7.10.

Nice mod! I really like textures of AoA, AoNV and AoL
(AoA - Apple of Absorption
AoNV - Apple of Night Vision
AoL - Apple of Levitation)

I like the idea a lot :)
Maybe add some other things than just apples. Perhaps apple juices or stews with combined effects.
Keep it up :D

cool mod :D
the textures are amazing and the apples are original :D
if you make some more apples make sure to submit to MOTW :D