WD's Caves

Published by witherd0d0 on
Upvotes: 2
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Project status
In development
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This Mod is not in dev anymore as I am working on new project, it will never be finished, sorry.


Minecraft caves are boring ? 
this mod will add new caves in your Minecraft world :


Actually, this mod is in development , and it only add one type of cave, but I will add new type of caves as soon as possible

Actual caves :

Mossy caves : a cave with mossy stone, moss, mushroom and grass.

Project :

Lumi caves : caves with lumi plants, that will glow, they will be a good source of light if you don't have torchs.

Burning caves : caves with lava, magma blocks and plant that burn you.

Aqua caves : caves filled with water and new ores. (yea, just this)

Mushroom caves : nothing else to say


If you have ideas of things to add (caves, ores, mobs,...), just tell me.

Minecraft mod files
WD's Caves_0.jar Uploaded on: 05/08/2021 - 21:36   File size: 89.74 KB

You can add crimson and warped caves closer to the bedrock, there will be crimson and warped overgrown stone with nether plants.

For me literally nothing changed I know I installed the mod correctly because I see the new blocks and stuff in the creative search bar but everything else stayed exactly the same