Portable Tent

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Exactly what it says on the tin. It's a craftable tent that you can place using a single block, and then quickly break it down when you're ready to move somewhere else.

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1.11.2 VERSION

To craft your tent, craft four "Tent Side" items and one "Tent Door" item out of the "Tent Siding" block, made from one piece of leather between two sticks, then place them in a plus sign with the door in the bottom of the crafting table.

The "Tent Side" item is made of nine "Tent Siding" blocks, and the "Tent Door" is made of seven blocks of "Tent Siding" in the pattern of iron leggings.

To build the tent, place the tent block in an area with enough room. If it doesn't build the tent, try clearing the space around it and placing it down again.

To pack up and move on, right click on the blocks of the tent. This will make them immediately drop down in item form, ready to be picked up.

Warnings/Bugs: None identified so far; contact me if you have any issues with the 1.11.2 version.

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1.7.10 VERSION

Crafting it is a two-step process. First, make five "Tent Side" items, using 9 pieces of wool each. Then, place those five items into the crafting grid in a + pattern to craft your tent.

To build the tent, place the tent block in an area with enough room. If it doesn't build the tent, try clearing the space around it and placing it down again.

To pack up the tent, right click on the tent block to the side of the opening, and click the button "Deconstruct Tent."

WARNING: Take any blocks (like torches, beds, crafting tables, and chests) that you placed inside the tent out before deconstructing it, or the tent will eat them and you will never get them back.

BUGS (Known so far):

* Tent destroys all blocks in its 5x5x4 area when deconstructing, with no exceptions. See the warning above. (Major)

* Tent sides are only craftable out of white wool (Minor)

*Contact me if you find any more.


Minecraft mod files
portable_tent_1_11_2.jar - 1.11.2 version of the Portable Tent Uploaded on: 06/13/2017 - 03:06   File size: 34.41 KB
portabletent1_7_10.zip.zip - 1.7.10 version of the Portable Tent Uploaded on: 06/13/2017 - 03:06   File size: 25.22 KB

Tent destroys block FIX:

make a structure.First load your tent structure,change structure block to save mode,change structure name to "destruction",fill *EVERY* block except the tent blocks in the selected volume with structure void.Remove the tent blocks.Now you have a structure that,when placed,will replace the tent blocks with air(the air after you removed the tent blocks in the structure) and leave other blocks unchanged.(structure blocks will leave the corresponding block as is)

i did not wanted copy you with my portable house, sorry if it looks like it