Official Discord
1 Upvote = 1 New Mob!
A Mod with mobs, advancement, items, and more! play with this mod and have fun!
EndStone Guardian
A Very Powerfull Guardian, Appears in End new Structures, hate humans and drops End Shards
An end stone giant, with a purple sword
A Guardian like monster, have a tail, and spikes, drops Puffer Spikes
A purple guardian, with a crest on his head, pink spikes, and a hollow on his face
A Strider Familiar, fly, and appears in the end, a very cool mob, and the favorite of the creator
A strider with a tail, four legs, pink hairs, and an end stone on the legs
A Giant troll, no spawn, and can't be summoned
A Giant purpur base mob, it's made of purpur pilars
Cyclop Spider
A New boss, attacks the player, and it's a giant mob
A Stone mob, can be crafted with the center of the Golem, and the center of golem can't be crafted (in the 2.0 update)
V1 Changelog
-Added three new mobs
-Added advancements
-Added crafts
-Added dye blocks
this mod is cool