Gameplay ultimate additions pack

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Hello and welcome to Vanilla+ ! :D

Vanilla+ add a ton of new items and mobs ! You can find them everywhere ! Don't forget to UpVote the mod please It took me a lot of time to make it ! Thanks ! :)


Added :

- Archeologie :

Add a new camp where you can find treasure and Arceologist


- Trapper :

A new type of Illager, he's friendly for the player and he protect Villagers


- Golems :

Add a Diamond Golem and a netherite golem :

Diamond Golem : 250HP 15 Attack damage

Netherite golem : 500HP 20 Attack damage


- CreepyPlants

A new plant can spawn on dead creepers, it grow super fast and create a creeper after fruitling


- Traps

Three Traps for the Trapper :

Bear trap : It can be buy from the Trapper or crafted, when someone hit or collide with the bear trap he take 6Heart damage and Slowness

Trapped leaves : It can be buy from the Trapper or crafted, when someone collide with the leaves they break

Spring trap : It can only be crafted, when someone collide with the spring trap, it deploy and lauch the entity into the air


- Disenchenting Table

When powered by amethyst you can put an enchanted tool and a book to transfert the enchantments of the tool into the book without breaking the tool


- New enchants/potions

IllagerCurse Enchantment : Puts evoker fangs under the feet of the entity you hit

Illager soul Potion : Put the player in Spectator mode for the time of the effect but with a blindness effect

Wheight Potion : Make the player fall faster


- New food

Berries : You can collect berries from bush, they have all a special effect when you eat them

Nether soup and Berries bowl : Two new food that can be crafted with a bowl

Cooking book : A book that you can craft with a steak and a book to see the new cooking recipes


- Warped NetherWart

A new type of nether wart to go with the warped forest


- BackPacks

You can now transport with you five new type of backpacks to store more items in your inventory


- Weapons

Bamboo sword : A new powerfull sword made of bamboo, panda can eat it if you hit them

Bone sword : A dagger that can wither everything you hit

Spear : A new projectile that use itself for munitions

Lava pickaxe : Has the effect of fire aspect on it, you smelt what you broke


- Fireflys

New particle in swamp, you can collect them but it's difficult



The disc of the 1.18.1 is now in 1.17.1 ! ^^


- Car/Overboard

You can craft vehicles with a Mechanical table and some materials


- Skeleton Boss

A new boss that can be summoned with a bone block, a pumkin and a skull on the the top. He have 500HP and he shoot arrows.


- Elytra mold

A new mold made with elytra, wood and clay, you can craft ten other elytras with it

Minecraft mod files
Vanilla+_1-17-1_V0-1-6_forge.jar - Vanilla+ V0.1.6 for 1.17.1 Uploaded on: 02/16/2022 - 11:29   File size: 7.65 MB