Swords Or Something

Published by Sky-Ninja on
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Version 1.0: 

Nether Star Dust: When a nether star is put in a grindstone, it forms this which can craft a Nether Star Sword.

Nether Star Sword: Gives all effects possible from a beacon at max level.

Shulker Sword: Enemies that are hit with the sword are given the levitation effect and take damage in the air and when they hit the ground. Can be crafted with two shulker shells and a stick.

Heart of the Sea Sword: Gives the Dolphin's Grace and Water Breathing Effect whilst being very powerful. Can be crafted with two heart of the seas and a stick.

Blaze Rod Sword: Gives Fire Resistance and sets enemies on fire. Can be crafted by using the smithing table with a netherite sword and a blaze rod.

Bamboo Staff: With the power of a wooden sword but double the attack speed and much more durability. Can be crafted by using 3 Bamboo.

Reinforced Bamboo Staff: A more powerful and more durable version of a Bamboo Staff. Can be crafted using a Bamboo Staff and 8 String.


Version 1.1:
Prismarine Conglomeration: An item formed by crafting 8 prismarine shards and one block. Two can be crafted into a Prismarine Sword.

Prismarine Sword: Does more damage than an Iron Sword and makes bubble particles when swung!

Crafting Animations: When ALL swords are now crafted, there is a new animation effect that plays complete with particles.

Membrane Sword: Gives Night Vision when in hand and does more damage than Iron Swords.

Hopefully more pictures and swords or something coming soon!

Version 1.2:

Withered Ingot: An Item made from netherite scrap, wither roses and one wither skeleton skull used to make swords into their withering variant.

Frozen Ingot: An Item made from powder snow, iron and an amethyst shard used to make swords into their frozen variant.

Scute Sword: Does the same amount of damage as a Diamond Sword but has the attack speed in between an axe and a normal sword and can be crafted from scutes.

Sword Fragments: When smelting a sword you get a fragment of the sword you smelted (Only vanilla swords)

Swords of Flaming: Can be crafted from two sword fragments and a blaze rod. These swords (Only vanilla swords) are variants which set enemies on fire and have same stats as normal swords.

Swords of Withering: Can be smithed with any vanilla sword and a withering ingot. These swords (Only vanilla swords) are variants which give enemies the wither effect and have same stats as normal swords.

Swords of Freezing: Can be smithed with any vanilla sword and a frozen ingot. These swords (Only vanilla swords) are variants which give enemies the slowness and weakness effects and have same stats as normal swords.

Copper Tipped Bamboo Staff: A reinforced bamboo staff surrounded by copper in a crafting table makes the bamboo staff even stronger!

1.17 Support: Adds support for 1.17 and 1.17.1 versions!


Version 1.3:

1.18 Support :Adds support for 1.18, 1.18.1 and 1.18.2 versions!


Version 1.4:

1.19 Support: Adds support for the 1.19.2 version!


Version 1.5:

1.20 Support: Adds support for the 1.20.1 version!

New advancements: Adds three new advancements to benchmark crafting accomplishments regarding swords.

Minecraft mod files
SwordsOrSomething1.1.jar - Adds Prismarine Conglomerations, Prismarine Sword, Crafting Animations, and Phantom Membrane Sword. Uploaded on: 09/24/2021 - 23:36   File size: 76.41 KB
SwordsOrSomething1.2.jar - Adds Scute Sword, Withering Swords, Freezing Swords, Flaming Swords, Sword Fragments, Withering Ingots and Frozen Ingots. Uploaded on: 01/01/2022 - 21:09   File size: 146.49 KB
SwordsOrSomething1.3.jar - Adds 1.18 Support Uploaded on: 03/13/2022 - 19:24   File size: 142.58 KB
SwordsOrSomething1.4.jar - Adds 1.19.2 Support Uploaded on: 08/27/2023 - 00:20   File size: 149.55 KB
SwordsOrSomething1.5.jar - Adds 1.20.1 Support, new advancements. Uploaded on: 07/10/2024 - 02:55   File size: 153.34 KB


Version 1.0: Adds Nether Star Dust, Nether Star Sword, Shulker Sword, Heart of the Sea Sword, Blaze Rod Sword, Bamboo Staff, and Reinforced Bamboo Staff.

Version 1.1: Adds Prismarine Conglomerations, Prismarine Sword, Crafting Animations, and Phantom Membrane Sword.

Version 1.2: Adds Withering Swords, Freezing Swords, Flaming Swords, Scute Sword, Sword Fragments, Withering Ingots, and Frozen Ingots.

Version 1.3: Adds 1.18x support.

Version 1.4: Adds 1.19.2 support.

Version 1.5: Adds 1.20.1 support, advancements, various bug fixes.