Project: Backpacks
This mod is about a addition of a variety of backpacks that can be upgraded, from leather to netherite
Q: What are the types of backpacks?
A: In order of slots amount, leather, iron, gold, emerald, diamond, netherite and theres (not in order for surprise) the Secret Backpack is a creative only item
Q: Is there any achievements/advancements?
A: Yes, 1 achievement for each backpack
Q: What about updates?
A: They take a time to release because of the time to test and especially because of texture making (aka: im lazy)
Q: Is suggestions accepted/allowed?
A: Totally!
Q: Is there a curseforge page?
A: Yes, it is https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/project-backpack
Fandom: https://project-backpacks-mod.fandom.com/wiki/Backpacks_mod_Wiki
All rights deserve to creator
please credit in anything (posts and videos(showcase) especially )
I reccomend dowloading at the curseforge page because ill release versions earlier there
thank god i am not the only person using nova skin for free textures