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The 1.0 Update is hard at work. It will overhaul the entire mod, and buff/nerf/add/remove many, many things.



This Early Access version of the mod introduces brand-new biomes, decoratives, foods, ores, weapons, mobs, bosses, and more!

Tired of using netherite all the time? Introducing the new armor types! Some are better than Netherite, others give special perks, and some are cosmetic!

Need to make an Ingot mold? Use an iron ingot!

New dimensions as well! Take a peek at the Twilight Dimension and all of the items associated with it! Like the Moonlight!



Fly to the skies with the explosive weapons! Be careful, or you might die...


This is my first attempt at making a full mod and releasing it, and I haven't even scratched the surface of what I plan on adding. There are also bugs that plague the Early Access, those will eventually be fixed in future versions. I'll also try to convert to 1.18 soon.

Anyways, see you on the otherside!


Most of the inspiration was from Caves of Cobalt, Eternal Tales, and Terraria Calamity. Without CoC, I wouldn't have made most of the stuff. Without Eternal Tales, the Twilight wouldn't exist. And without Calamity, the Twilight Trader's second form and most of the powerful weapons wouldn't exist. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you.


What's Planned?

I plan on adding new weapons, mobs, bosses, items, and more. For the next update, I plan on making new things for other biomes and new weapons. 1.0.0 is being worked on. I'm also working on a bestiary, but it will not be released until the 1.0.0 update is released. It might not be fully implemented in 1.0.0, and I'll make a 1.0.1 update for that.


Known Bugs

The Shiverfin mob doesn't spawn, even with the spawn egg and the /summon command. Somehow it fixed itself when I update my MCreator.





 https://minecore.fandom.com/wiki/Minecore_Wiki (BEING UPDATED)


https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/minecore-tgbc (DOESN'T WORK)



Just Enough Items (JEI) is recommended so you can see all the item recipes! I might make a recipe book. You could also see the wiki.

Minecraft mod files
Minecore 0.2_0.jar - Oldest Version Available Uploaded on: 05/01/2022 - 01:51   File size: 3.56 MB
Minecore Epic EDITION!.jar - APRIL FOOLS Uploaded on: 04/01/2022 - 19:56   File size: 3.31 MB
Minecore 5.1.jar - Early Access 0.51: 1.17.1 (Outdated) Uploaded on: 05/06/2022 - 03:52   File size: 6.8 MB
Minecore 5.5.jar - Early Access 0.55: 1.18.2 Uploaded on: 05/13/2022 - 23:33   File size: 6.91 MB

Version 0.1: Release

Version 0.15: Forgot.

Version 0.151: April Fools! Added Glass tools.

Version 0.2: Added a new biome, dimension, 5 entities, 18 blocks, 4 advancements, and 1 new debuff

Version 0.3: Added 2 new weapon types, Summons and Fists. Summons have cooldowns (with exceptions) and Fists can be spammed to deal full damage (with exceptions). Also added a new debuff, Summon exhaustion which is inflicted upon using a summon. Added a new (buggy) structure, a crafting station, and a new flower (for the Shiverfields.)

Version 0.35: Added new dimension, boss, and 2 new biomes. The new boss can be summoned with a new block and a new item. Also added Iridium. Added tools for Iridium and Shiverite.

Version 0.4: Added new foods, crafting station, trophies, structures, and paintings.

Version 0.45: Added many things for The End, grass fiber and tools/weapons/armor, and Azurite, Endstone and Void ore.

Version 0.5: Added more things for The End, new flowers, a new biome, vanity, and a new painting.

Version 0.51: Added more vanities, a new mob, and tweaked the Shivered Golem's attack pattern.

Nice Mod, Glad your part of the mcreator community