Chess Plus

Published by OrangeOH on
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Welcome to Chess Plus! A lot of people have asked for a forge port of Gameblocks, so this is sort of it. It's not really Gameblocks, it's a totally different mod, and I admit that the quality is bad. But it's Chess in Minecraft for Forge, so at least it's here. There will be an extension to this mod releasing soon. Really small, it's called Checkers Plus. As the title states, it adds Checkers pieces. You will still use the original board, however, and it will not be Checkers "Plus," it'll just add Checkers.

Useful Resources


If you do not know Chess, you can watch a YouTube tutorial or learn on, then come back here.

Known Issues

If there are any issues not listed here, please let me know!

- The board texture is 7x7, not 8x8. (Being fixed soon)

- The game is not multiplayer. (Solution being investigated)

Updates & Credits

This mod is a solo project by OrangeOH, and we are not accepting applications. Special thanks to legoatoom for creating Gameblocks, the inspiration of this project.

The next update will be 1.2.0. Unfortunately, I do not have anything planned for this update. However, I will find inspiration and turn it into an idea sometime soon so we can get official information on 1.2.0. And yes, I know that the board texture is 7x7 and not 8x8. I will fix this. (It was 14x12 before, so be happy.)

Minecraft mod files
chessplus_1-17_1-0-0.jar - Version 1.0.0 - Stable Uploaded on: 02/22/2022 - 21:36   File size: 90.12 KB
chessplus_1-17_1-1-0.jar - Version 1.1.0 - Stable Uploaded on: 03/26/2022 - 22:55   File size: 94.55 KB
chessplus_1-17_1-1-1.jar - Version 1.1.1 - Stable - Recommended Uploaded on: 03/27/2022 - 19:36   File size: 100.82 KB

Version 1.1.1

-Fixed board texture

-Added row to board

ATTENTION: Incredibly sorry for the long wait! I am still gathering inspiration for the next update, however, I have gathered some inspiration. A new update will be available either in June or July.

you might want to change chess board texture, (chess boards are 8 x 8 tiles,, not 14 x 12)